October 29, 2010
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Yang is represented by the inner masculine: drive, movement, activity, action, giver, healer, mental awareness, space holder, and provider.Yang is our go getter, bringer, and our ability to think, do and react to the external world.

Yin is represented by the inner feminine, creator, artist, magnetic, attractive receiver. Yin is the connection to love, beauty, creativity and abundance. Yin is the key facilitator of the emotional body and self expression.
Physical activity is Yang, while physical rest is Yin. Yin & Yang are a juxtaposition of being and doing. Stillness and movement are in a constant state of change within the human body. Our ability to create and magnetize comes from the very balance of this relationship. Our ability to repel and destroy show up to teach us valuable lessons of imbalance. Harmonizing the inner feminine with the inner masculine is a great way to command your life experience,well being, and ability to manifest the everything.
Learning how to synergize and balance your internal yin and yang dynamics changes the landscape of everything in your external world from how you create, to the relationship you have with the opposite sex and with all beings on our planet including nature and animals. The Balanced Warrior is a class like no other where you learn how to balance the deeper mechanics of yourself and your dynamic energy. Learn how to stimulate your creativity, balance your giving and receiving and change the way you think, do, relate and manifest.
The Balanced Warrior offers a mindful practice of stepping into flow with your internal balance
- Calm the Body, Soul, Mind
You will gain key tools that you can use throughout the course of your life
- All Classes are Experiential
Experiencing your ability as a spirit is great validation to your ability to heal yourself
- Each Class is a Class Like No Other
Each class offers a practice of mindfulness, technique, and reconnection
- Internal Communication and Creativity
Living Your Passion and Purpose comes from balancing your inner Yin and Yang
- Learn Simple tools to Balance the Chakra System and create present time dynamics to support the body
Centering yourself comes from this activity
- Step out of Flight/Fight into Increased Awareness
Your Male Yin energy can be in tune and on the mark with every action as you heighten your sensory awareness
- Run Your Female Yin Energy with profound support from your Male/Yang
In this class you learn how to create safe and sacred space for your body, essence, and creativity.
- End the Warrior need for Martydom
Simple tools to ground, release and shift energy transform the internal warrior into a warrior of peace.
If you would like to take the next upcoming Balanced Warrior class, call or send an email at info@rainbowinstitute.com requesting upcoming class information
August 26, 2010
Well being is ones natural state, natural ability, and natural flow space. It is comprised with a dynamic and vibration solely unique to the individual. Well Being as a state is a feeling, a postulate, a positioning. Well Being as a flow space is where you can attend to anything within the circumference and circumstance of well being within your own unique vibratory field. Well Being as a dynamic constitutes molecular complexity built over time that includes sustainability for you in mind, body, soul, relationships, and life experience.
As a postulate you can:
Attend to a personal illness in the vibration of well being. This allows your mental/emotional vibration to remain high while you attend to a physical body dynamic that needs love, attention, and healing.
Attend to a personal relationship where the other person is not in a state of well being or spiritual fairness.
Attend to a divorce, firing, rejection, change of life in the vibrational state of well being.
Attend to a relationship that is violating you in any way, shape or form.
Attend to your work and co-workers while being in the state of well being.
Well Being is your own ability to maintain a state that serves you as you attend to any and all things. Most misconceptions involve pictures of perfection that do not allow the flexibility to have well being within a challenging dynamic or rough period of growth. One can be physically ill and still be in well being as well being is not a dichotomy state of existence. If one postulates and continues to attend to all things in their life in the vibration of well being, well being will take a strong hold in greater areas that allow for reflective experiences and eventfully will dominate. One never has to match a person or situation or experience that is not in harmony with their being. Some of these well being concepts may be hard to grasp at first, this is why learning tools to cultivate and postulate well being is such a fantastic spiritual practice to gift yourself. Rainbow Institutes Conscious Living Curriculum (Conscious Living for Soul Purpose) teaches you how to work towards holding greater levels of well being in your aura, chakras, and biology and relationships. By postulating and practicing in a class setting you are setting seeds that move into all areas of your life so you can enjoy your authentic self, in your own power, in well being. There is no prerequisite, to come to class you simply need to be where you are at as you will work with your own unique dynamic energy and learn how to tap into your very own soul mosaic, song, and authentic vibrations. Tools for conscious living postulates you are the capable creator and gifts you a platform to practice this enjoyably with like minded students. Join the CLC community, you will be glad you took the leap!
August 06, 2010
For those of you who have had loved ones who have passed, this article may bring forth gifts. To understand the transitional journey back to soul is a wonderful undertaking to all parties.
When a spirit leaves a body and lifetime it can go through several processes before it returns to gold, or the light. One can maintain a relationship with the spirit of a loved one and still maintain present time community if they know how too shift awareness to the new state the loved has transitioned to.
In one life time we create a story and persona that is rich in growth, trials, and experiences. When a person has crossed over they either let go completely and blend back into the peace and joy of their master soul, or they have difficulty in detaching from the story they once became in life and still hold onto the lessons and agreements rather than complete the transition.
With those who have lost a loved one, they never really died in the way we perceive, they simply left a body, story, and identity that they created within a moment of their larger souls journey. If you are to remember that we are soul first and this is our eternal self then you can always maintain your love, relation, and connection with this soul as it exists on a higher vibrational plane than the one you are looking at that was the former life. This helps both you and the loved one embrace present time. Saying hello to a loved one as their soul is always a healing for both parties as you validate their ability to liberate themselves from the conditions and struggles into freedom and this is right.
We are not meant to hang on to the strife of a lifetime and sometimes those that transition stay there because they love you and you yourself is stuck in the memory of who you have lost. To understand that you did not loose and you can still gain if you raise your sights to the vibrational plane of where they now stand is to understand the peace, joy, and sanctuary that they have now reached. Quite often I tell my clients who have asked about lost loved ones to send them jokes and see if you get one in return. Raising your vibration in order to have a new level of relationship is the embankment of you gifting yourself the experience to know we are all of God and in that there is only journey….no finite end. To understand the full vibration of what is soul is your gift to yourself and your loved one. There your relationship holds new value and meaning of the blessing and light of what truly is of God.
In Joy,
Rev. Cynthia Warwick Seiler
June 16, 2010
Is psychic real? Is it supernatural? What is it?
“Psychic” is a natural part of your own ability to perceive, know, sense, read, hear, feel, smell, as well as communicate with another, spirit to spirit.
We are human born of our physical parents for one lifetime. We are spirit born of our metaphysical parents for eternity. The birth and existence of our soul has capability beyond our current understanding. To be born human does not mean you have to give up your existential identity, of essence, persona, capability and gifts if you choose to live your life this way. Living your life this way is natural, permissible, and rich in joyful self loving tools. To live a human life rich and full of the integrity of your soul has sacrifice. You have to be willing to give up where you play small, and sit in the field of limiting agreements that are not in alignment with your souls truth. Learning tools and skills to manage how you run your energy, balance and awaken your spiritual geometry, is a wonderful process of self discovery with many rewards. Being “Psychic” or “Spiritually Aware” is one of them. Using your awareness to enhance your life is what connecting to your higher purpose and unfolding its pathway is all about. Each person is creatively unique and has their own special gift to expand upon which is enhanced living. Developing your intuition is about you being mindful and aware of your own energy, and how you use and apply it, to all that you do.
What about Psychic Powers you may ask? You are powerful. You are capable. You are creating all the time, however you may not know it. Today’s experience was yesterdays creation, you already carved it. Tomorrows dynamics change and rearrange with each new vibration that you validate and bring in. Living in the now, the perpetual unwinding of time is about learning how to synergize with your soul. You always have the opportunity to practice being commander of your ship, the life you lead is your ship. Learning how to create with love, light, essence, balance, harmony is hard to do when you have your life on autopilot and allow yourself to be unconscious to the dynamics you work, play, and cultivate with. Psychic is always of the Soul.
What about the myriad of philosophies out there that tell me how to behave, think, and act? There are only 2 kinds of energy: Yours, and not yours. Our world is filled with concepts. Within each concept you hold exists your own unique expression, essence and dynamic, the rest does not serve. Most concepts that encompass lack and limitation do not serve the self love of the soul. Learning how to identify, measure, and quantify and your unique truth against external concepts is a gift to yourself. Learning how to release concepts that do not support you, your energy, rather than fighting them is what being spiritually mindful is all about.
Mindfulness is the act of self awareness employed to benefit right action of mind, body, spirit and is very much about being psychic or spiritually aware. Self awareness of you in the world around you assists you to manifest from the self love that you are, and in this you are in alignment with your soul.
What about the accusations of Psychic being Occult? Denser dynamics are always out there in the world and usually are absent of self love. Being unaware or unconscious to them does not make them less or go away. Everything is a choice that someone, somewhere had made. Duality says one is good and one is bad. In truth duality and dichotomy thinking is a complexity that does not exist when you connect with your soul. Learning yourself how to make choices stemming from conscious awareness in alignment with your soul is about learning how to step outside of dichotomy thinking.
What about the Supernatural? A Course in Miracles says fear is a mistake. Learning how to release fear and body mechanics that are of density serves the soul and are tools RI covers in class. The truth and existence of divine law is accessible to all beings. One very important one is about seniority: There are many variations of it but generally it states “No one is more powerful than you in your own space” generally it is you who is convinced to serve or not serve you by your beliefs. Claiming something is natural or supernatural has no bearing to you in your own truth, running your own energy, living your own life, unless you yourself allows it to have an impact.
Most of these concepts and tools are covered in RI’s classes and in RI’s Conscious Living Curriculum. The foundation of Rainbow Institutes spiritual awareness philosophy is about teaching you how to use your awareness and energy to foster harmony in relationship to all things… while simultaneously serving yourself with concepts that validate your unique being, light, dynamics, and path. If you would like to expand upon your spiritual awareness and learn holistic energy tools for conscious living, pre-register for each class of interest and RI will notify you of the next available class dates.
In Joy,
Cynthia Warwick Seiler
Rainbow Institute
June 11, 2010
One of the most rewarding spiritual counseling sessions I personally have is with teenagers and their parents. Using my clairvoyance and counseling training I look to bridge the gap in assisting each to understand one another.
Teens have a special role to play in the new earth in a new way. They are spiritually programmed different than any generation before them. Their mind works differently, they handle and solve problems uniquely. They have an extra internal vibration to multitask multi-dimensionally. At times earlier generations see this as a problem because it looks like an overwhelming level of energy that is unmanageable. Allot of times it is labeled ADD, an imbalance, and we try to correct this with medicine. What is needed is a platform to understand the task and role this “New Age Teen” has in the New Earth, what they are to perform with this beautiful energy, how to balance it naturally.
One of the classes I would love to create in the future is “The Balanced Warrior for Teens” in the balanced warrior I teach how to synergize the inner female/yin energy to the inner male/yang energy. Validating this extra high energy that is spiritually created in order to multi-task and supporting a teens need to focus on each task simultaneously with coherence is allowing them their natural state, validating their gift and helping them to use it. In this way I am somewhat against ritalin which does not gift the child the ability to learn how to manage, utilize, and create with their special gift.
We have to remember that any time we say to a teen “your energy is not right and we need to fix it”, we are invalidating the spirit and spiritual capability of the child. Most teens simply need to learn how to ground, be in their body, and set up multi-dimensional platforms. Attending to a teens mind, body, spirit is a holistic approach of balance. Most of the new information that they are being equipped to tap into spiritually is coming into their chakra system jumbled, and all at once. Our schools do not yet have the information to teach one how to handle a spiritual mechanic on a body level. One great assistor is looking at diet. Sugar and ingesting sugar in sodas, foods, pastas, heighten the buzz to their extra sensory perception, most teens are used to this kind of diet. Foods that ground and gift a gold vibration rather than a white vibration are very healing to all children. There are a multitude of ways to ground, center and balance, at RI I teach and talk about grounding techniques often.
We need to remember that our children are the adults of the Aquarian Age. In the Aquarian Age everything is run differently and multi-dimensionally. Helping our teens to understand this and to utilize their “special and unique dynamics” in syncronicity with evolution is a gift to the New Earth and where Humanity is headed.
Our teens will have to solve the problems we as adults have yet to find solutions for and we are sedating the dynamic that will help them do it instead of trying to understand it. Most teens are psychic and will be using this aptitude to heal and fix nations, industries, create green living, and shift humanity entirely.
In my spiritual counseling I work to help a teen and parent communicate and understand the differences in their energetic geometry. It gifts the spirit of each to have a forum and allows each person to relinquish the frustration and bring forth a common ground that is profound.
If you would like to have a spiritual counseling session with your teen or family member contact me at Rainbow Institute, it is a joyful way for both to connect to understanding the children of the New Earth.
In Joy,
Rev. Cynthia Warwick Seiler
Spiritual Counselor
May 27, 2010
Karma is a gift to yourself. It is active energy comprised of your thoughts, words and actions that are given life force to create, learn and grow by.
With all karma comes choice. It is the choice of the soul to learn and grow by being a part of this world. As the soul learns and grows karma changes with self loving words, thoughts, and actions.
Souls grow with love. Bodies do not know love until they tangibly bring in the soul to grace the way they grow. Bodies are aligned with the ego until they take the tangible step of reaching to grow in the way that allows the soul to incarnate as director, however all karma is a gift to ones self.
At every turn you decide what to do with karma. You can grow through it, altar or change it to enhance your living, embrace it, reject it, or release it. Karma is always your work here on earth. Weather worked on or released karma is always a gift to yourself, it is the measurement of your active energy that holds merit in how you tangibly think, feel, and act or react to the everything.
When one applies love to karma, karma grows from a sapling into a tree. When one is having a hard time in life it is always about the energy they are creating karmically. What are you giving life to? Is a key karmic question to ask yourself. Learning how to balance your thoughts, words, and actions in conjunction with the universal life force is about attending to karma gracefully. There are no surprises that when karma is attended to with love that a person learns and grows through love. Karma is always an extension of the self.
The need to punish oneself through karma of the past, past lives is not a truth. Being a victim of yourself does not hold merit when we look at unconditional love. Unconditional love is the acceptance of all things including yourself. It is the atonement of forgiving yourself with love. If something does not serve you, you always have the opportunity to change it or release it, and everything with love can be undone.Nothing karmically is ever meant to be permanent.
Karma is the act of self love in action constantly adjusting itself until enough love is added that it validates the soul and fits like the most fabulous glove. When this happens the universe sings as you know your have validated yourself.
In Joy,
Rev. Cynthia Warwick Seiler
Metaphysical & Holistic Teacher: Conscious Living Curriculum
Psychic & Spiritual Counselor
May 24, 2010
RI’s Weekly Affirmation Enneagram for the week of May 24th
“I am an important part of divine plan”
Awakening to your light, your passion and purpose is about awakening consciously to your souls mosaic. It is about opening to your spirit to the light within and getting in touch with your unique hearts song. Each of us has a unique gift and role to play in bringing forth seeds that nourish our earth, new ways to relate to each other, and work that creates purpose and meaning. Opening to your important role in divine plan is about tuning in and allowing yourself to know how very special you are. For this week connect with your inner guidance to teach you something you did not know about yourself and ask your soul to put you on the pathway that will gently guide you to knowing the sound of your hearts song. Listen and look for the response of your asking in the subtle and loving messages of your soul.
In Joy,
Rev Cynthia Warwick Seiler
Rainbow Institute/ Weekly Affirmation Enneagram
May 21, 2010
The will of God is that you love yourself as God does, unconditionally.
Often times we withhold our self acceptance in anticipation of our perfection and this is not achievable as it is an image that is not real and typically not finite. Who we are today, right here, right now, is the way we are loved by God, love is not nor has ever been withheld. Usually we turn our backs to this love because we do not feel our perfection and for some strange reason think we are unworthy of the approval because we lack this key self approval intimately.
More over we resist acceptance of ourselves and then think, I’ll prove it now, I’ll go out and save the world, then I will be worthy of the love of God. God does not see this world as a world that needs saving. God loves you in your world unconditionally, and does not equate you as different from your neighbor. To love yourself as God loves you is to take your compassion up to a new height and know unconditional love. Total acceptance of the entire world is total acceptance of you in your world, the mini me that makes up the whole.
Opening up to the will of God is the act of self love first.
Taking your self love up in vibration to meet the compassion of “unconditional love” gifting yourself radical self acceptance in the here and now, is the way you meet and understand the only will of God. Then you will understand that you have always and will always be your perfection in the wake of every moment and can love others as much as you love yourself. “Self love” is a form of “divine love” or the most important doorway back to source. Upon entering this doorway you will know that you are one with all things including source, and that is not a world that needs saving.
But then we say “what about suffering?” Is it not the seed of suffering to stray from the only thing that created you? You were created by the will of God, to know unconditional love is to heal yourself with divine love, the only doorway you were meant to know. You can create anything you want, when you do it immersed in the love source has given you how can your creation be anything other than life giving and rich? To know you are worthy in the moment with radical self acceptance wouldn’t your creations take on new color and new life expression? Do you think you would include the vibration of suffering in them? In the wake of every moment you and each one of us is new should we choose to be and can end the feelings of suffering with a self loving act of acceptance. It can not be found in you healing another if you do not work to heal yourself first in order for you to feel the will of God inside the seeds of your cells. Saving the world is an act of denying yours. Work with the creator in perfecting your creation, and return to the simple act of loving yourself and you will have given your world and ours a huge leap towards oneness.
In Blessings, Love and Joy,
Rev. Cynthia Warwick Seiler
Rainbow Institute/A Course in Miracles
May 14, 2010
Many, many eons ago there was this great being of light, just one great being. Some say it was a he, some say it was a she. If one was able to fathom thought without duality it was possibly a “we” as an integral he and she as one dancing twin flame of light and delight. This one being existed as the universe, a blank canvas upon which it was to paint life. This being knew only love, only joy, and had an unconditional mind.
Its brilliance was awesome. Its brilliance was fantastic. Its brilliance was the divine mind, and it had a plan. That which is liken only to itself began to divide. It would breath thought into life, life into thought and children would pop out of its mind, its heart, its hands. Its every thought would manifest into another great being, and yet another, and yet another. This was my brothers, my sisters, you. It was the birth of souls, of starseeds, kingdoms, and solar systems. From one single monad began the seeds of everything we know life to be and no matter how we explain it, it is correct, how ever a vantage point.
Of course this being loved all of its creations, how perfect each and every one this being marveled, nurtured, and gave unconditional love. It did not see one better than the other, judged not a favorite. Each one had a meticulous part to play in the unfolding and dividing of the universe of life.
In that first initial pure thought that gave life, each and every life form had a purpose, a dynamic that was unique and interesting all were birthed with unconditional love. Each mind child if you will was perfect, capable, strong, intentful, magical, unique, special, and had a dynamic of no other. Yet each one was connected in some way shape or form to the whole. Being of pure thought each seed of thought was given the capability to think for itself, matriculate, multiply and was part of the same mathematical equation, connected to the same master matrix and geometry. Each one had a scientific explanation (except for possibly the creator being itself….or does it?) Each child creation was meant to divide, explore, all under the umbrella of the creator, the soft loving place where it was born.
The child beings began to play, however their playing was not fully free. Being under the one creator being they were governed lightly. This did not allow for full unequivocal free will, as it was influenced. The child beings were limited by the greatness and could not fully imagine outside of its nestling. They wanted more, afterall this one great being got its start from another universe and had the full right to grow up into all that is, they would argue and debate. The debate grew into wanting experiences to learn tangibles so they could understand fully who they are, what they were here for, what the great being already knew. They wanted to know something about themselves.
With unconditional love and full understanding of its creations it agreed to let go with out attachment in order for its birthing s to learn, and grow, experience and know of their own choosing. This great being let go. Its children were elated and began to build using the same geometry they were gifted from the one who formed many. The sacred building blocks are still seen today. They used light and geometry, love, and intention and began to construct together and apart, saying I wonder what would happen if I do this? Think this? Play with this? They began to form agreements to play in certain containers, you and me lets play over here, lets play like this, lets, lets, lets. They had so much fun that some of them strayed far and forgot their creator, left him as they began to divide. Some chose to remain and stay by his side, playing and creating with their initial purpose, their original blueprint of their seed.
Even though the love is and always was unconditional there was one valuable contingency in the plan: That great being of light made sure of one gift as a promise ever more, no matter what to all. Its promise was whispered into each heart of its creations and they sounded something like this. “You may stray, yet I will remember your one true name” “You may forget, I will remember your one true purpose” “You may loose sight of the tools I have given, I will hide them within your being” “You may think you live and breath alone, I will breath with you when you want to come home” “You will always contain a spark of me no matter how far, small, or large you play and when you want a game eradicated just call upon my name” “I will not leave you and will experience with you even if you think I am the one who strayed” “I will be there waiting for you to remember me and will always see your perfection, no matter what as you are the gift I made”
This great being choose to never forget his creations, no matter what. Coming home was built into the plan. Coming home does not have a rule or form…except for one thing……….. remembering who you are.
Many blessings from now until eternity for those who choose to remember and those who choose to forget.
In Joy,
Rev. Cynthia Warwick Seiler
Rainbow Institute/ A course in miracles
A place where you have the opportunity to play with the original building blocks!
A true story? You decide…
May 12, 2010

Weekly Affirmation Enneagram “I forgive myself for the life lessons I created outside the empowerment of my own light”
In this weeks, Weekly Affirmation Enneagram, we allow for divine correction and attunement of the choices we have made as spirit creating life experience outside of our very own alignment with divine love. “I forgive myself for the life lessons I created outside the empowerment of my own light” is the act of owning, taking responsibility for and releasing the choices you made to learn through harsher experiences in your lifetime or in all time as you can correct and release the fractals remaining active of your past life just as easily with ownership and forgiveness. It allows you to free and own your light so that you may choose to structure your life lessons in the future stemming from your true authentic self the way the creator knows you.
In Joy,
Rev Cynthia Warwick Seiler
Rainbow Institute/ Weekly Affirmation Enneagram
May 12, 2010
The way we work with others is changing. We are being lead by the new evolutionary plan to shift our relationships with all things including caretakers, guides, and in all cases masters.
The new relationship model coming in is about being capable equals. No one being is greater than another, and each being has the ability to be their own answer, resource, evolver, and problem solver. This means our relationships with the Moms, Dads, Teachers, Ministers, Bosses, and “Guides of the Other World” have a tangible opportunity to be rebalanced to allow for more rewarding experiences of relating to come in.
Allot of games us humans play is about seniority. The games that sound like “I know better than you, I have more experience than you, I am more versed than you and the list goes on” are in default and are being corrected energetically. The truth is a crown (our spiritual place of knowingness) is a crown, is a crown. When one connects to their own crown they are in flow with a wealth of information that will work specifically for them. A guide can not gift this as their own crown will work specifically for them and may not equate, resonate or work well for another being. What happens to our relationships is that they are allowed to take a step up into experiencing the actual relationship and the other person without responsibility for another. This is a blessing and relief as we can enjoy the other persons being so much more without struggle or effort. We can work on building the actual relationships rather than the person themself. The possibilities for harmony and oneness become quantified. This does not mean that “guides and teachers” are perfunctory, it means that the control, struggle, and co-dependency can be let go of in lieu of the higher more meaningful relationship.
What happens if you are struggling with a specific guide? If a guide is really lost in one of these games, or power plays you can ask for divine love to come into address an attunement and correction. Once divine love enters all things can be served and rebalanced. We need to remember that no one is more powerful than you in your own space, and you do not have to argue or fight for a limitation. There are many tools that can be used to re- balance some of these experiences in joyful ways, this is one of the key lessons I cover in the beginning class of the conscious living curriculum. If you would like more information about upcoming classes shoot me an email and I will send you a list of what is coming up next.
In Joy,
Rev. Cynthia Warwick Seiler
Rainbow Institute/ Conscious Living Curriculum
May 11, 2010
In our next wave of evolution we are being asked to step out of certain levels of empathy and our agreements of sympathetic healer, or running energy and agreements for other beings. This is huge as 90% of our human population is conditioned to be empathetic to others as a way of showing kindred-ship and are not aware of its dysfunction.
Empathy in general is not a characteristic of our soul or spiritual truth, it is of the body that keeps us outside of connection with our soul or the soul and capability of others. It keeps both parties locked outside of present time and in loops or cycles that can not be healed. Often times we mistake this as a healing when in actuality it is the opposite and creates agreements that are stuck and repetative.
As we approach 2012 alot of the density on Earth is being irradiated, as the planet takes on more and more light. More and more of the harsher ways we learn and grow as beings are being reconditioned to be lighter and free of imbalance. Most of the functioning that cause imbalance are being lifted when the agreements permit. When one is in sympathy with a surfacing pain or problem in another and takes it on in order to be helpful they interrupt the evolutionary cleansing and lock both parties into a cycle of pain that was inadvertently clearing. This act of being a sympathetic empathetic healer is actually counterproductive to the new earth shifts and are slowing down the growth of others or getting in the way. I may add however that the ability to tune into and relate to another person is completely outside of this equation and once the sympathetic empathy levels are brought back to a harmonious balance our relationships can take huge leaps up in vibration.
Here we have a huge opportunity to know that compassion and empathy are not the same. Kindness and understanding are different from sympathy and validating the soul of individuals is allowing them to be seen for who they are and not their issue or pain. Empathy does not allow for the awareness of the unconditional love of the soul, or acknowledgment of another beings power to heal and is uncomfortable to all. It is not OK to take on others spiritual growth processes for them as it is taking away the treasure and pieces of the puzzle that will gift them expanse once they have gained insight to what they are working on. It also invalidates their ability to heal, learn, and grow on their own merit. At times growth is uncomfortable, bumpy, this is your opportunity to be compassionate, when you couple this with knowledge that the other person is a capable soul then you have provided a blessing to us all.
Empathy is associated with the first and second chakras, the emotional body, and the ego. Here are some signs that you would benefit re-balancing one of these bodies:
1) You feel pain when you are around other individuals
2) You find yourself focusing on the problems of others continually
3) You feel emotional surges of flight or fight
4) You feel unsafe and a need to withdraw or go into isolation for protection
5) You find that you are repeating an experience over and over again methodically and can not solve it or figure it out.
6) You feel constricted, have pains that will not move or shift, or have an issue that you feel is not “healing like it should”
7) You find you are not able to experience yourself and feel you are enclosed in a vibration that is denser or weighted.
8) Your body feels drained and tired and it is hard to give yourself a lift
9) You find you have repeat emotions that do not make sense to you, outbursts, depression, anxieties etc.
10) You feel a “toxic overload”, that your energy is not clean, or clear
If you are finding that you are in alot of pain with the Earth Shift empathy a key area to pinpoint where pain is building up and keeping you out of alignment with your soul and spiritual growth. Clearing empathy programs holds value as it is a rewarding process of seeing and knowing your truth as a soul, as well as the others around you, It allots for healing and quantifiable growth as well as letting go of pain and imbalance energetically. You can re balance your second chakra and emotional body to find inner harmony as well as shift into a more compassionate expansive state in your relationships when you work on resolving your empathy and psychic readings are a tool that can help.
If you feel that you are overrun by empathy a spiritual reading would gift you the communication to help you to shift and step out of the agreements that are keeping you there. Call Cynthia for a reading and look for energy tools for spiritual healing classes or request she teach your group.
May 10, 2010
When we become versed in the principals of dimension time and space are different. They are vibrational elements that do not have the same merits that we use to quantify a day, a month and a year.
When we diagnose a physical body experience we lock the condition into a traditional time space sequence and label the dis-ease or imbalance improperly. Our modern medicine can not yet quantify spirit or dimensional shifts into the treatment factor to facilitate the body/being recovery. All illness is momentary when we look at the larger scope of spiritual reality. In spirit there is no time or space. In the body there is the illusion of time and space. In spirit an imbalance is momentary. In the body an imbalance is prescribed and usually declared permanent because key factors are missing from the equation.
When we refer to someone as ill we take away their ability to shift their reality on a body level, this is why all prescription is only a partial truth and a way to identify a past time pain or imbalance. All imbalance is derived from the absence of unconditional love. When unconditional love is added to the equation as a complimentary prescription then the imbalance begins to facilitate correction. Unconditional love is a tool of the spirit and can not be logically quantified. If a person has the intent to step out of an imbalance and feel it is their truth to recover, then the possibility exists that they are right. If a person has an imbalance and is working with it for this lifetime than unconditional love added to their experience does no harm but enhances their ability to alleviate some of the symptomology and replace some of the pain in the experience with comfort.
With Blessings,
Rev. Cynthia Warwick Seiler
Holistic and Metaphysical Teacher
Rainbow Institute
May 04, 2010
I am thrilled at the new package I received this morning form Kevin Brown of New Chapter Holistic Organic Supplements!
I opened the package and what a surprise. Kevin Sent me not only one supplement to try and blog about but 4 full sized boxes, what a treat indeed. My goal is to look at them with my clairvoyance and see how they are aligned with promoting well being, then douse and use kinesthesiology to look at how my body responds to them energetically. Last I will take them for 30 days and blog about what I notice and how they work generally and for me personally.
I have to tell you …I like them already:
Right on the top of each box is this statement:
“New Chapter’s guiding prinicpals:
- To deliver the Wisdom of Nature…thus relieving suffering and promoting optimal health
- To advance the organic mission, nourishing body and soul with the healing intelligence of pure whole foods and herbal supplements
- To nurture and sustain Mother Earth, the source of natural healing
- To honor and reward personal growth, for enlightened teamwork depends on the vitality of every member of the New Chapter family”
Kevin Sent Me the following 4 samples to blog and review:
- Zyflamend softgels: promotes healthy inflammation response for cardio and joint made with a beautiful herb compound.
- Bone Strenth: Take Care, an organic mixture of vitamins & minerals
- Every Womans “One DAILY” organic multi vitamin, herb and mineral combo
- Probiotic All-flora…I think this one is going to be my favorite and ***I can see already that the ingredients resonate energetically with a very nice high pure cleansing vibration…I can’t wait to experience them on a body level
I look forward to telling you about my findings. If you would like to contact Kevin Brown or view his offering here is his contact information:
Kevin Brown
New Chapter
Website: http://www.newchapter.com
Phone: 800-543-7279 x 186
Email: kbrown@newchapter.com
May 04, 2010
Weekly Affirmation Enneagram “In this moment I AM New”
We will always have old emotions surfacing. We will always have things that remind us of unresolved issues and they will surface as we go about our day, our conversations and attend to who we are in our relationships..but we do not have to run them or run from them. ” In this moment I am new” is about understanding your power is to be new in each and every moment. It gifts you the knowingness that who you are does not come from your past it comes from your spirit. In this moment I am new is an affirmation that frees you from the loops of the emotions of the past and gifts you the freedom to be here now. Play with this affirmation and allow it to open new for you to experience. Allow this affirmation in as a to gift to yourself to liberate your experiences and enhance your state of being.
In Joy,
Rev Cynthia Warwick Seiler
April 28, 2010
Weekly Affirmation Enneagram “I serve myself with Light, to irradiate the elements in my life that are not in my best interest”
When light enters into the body, mind, experience it dismantles all things that are not working for the higher good of all. Light on a dynamic level equates with the heart and brings forth divine correction, a re-balancing, all one has to do is set the intention to let it in. The light does all the work if you allow yourself to receive its blessing. An affirmation “I allow myself to let the light in” is the same as asking for divine correction, a balancing and restoration of dynamics and energy patterns that do not serve the light and the all. This is the first step in the process of walking into the fifth dimension and learning how to live in the light. With light all is served.
Rev. Cynthia Warwick Seiler
Weekly Affirmation Enneagram
April 26, 2010
Spiritual Awakening is an amazing gift to give yourself. Most people are afraid of it. Psychic comes as its side effect, it is who you are as a soul unfolding before you. This is why I was chosen to be a spiritual leader under a psychic hat. Because it is natural, and natural is where your power is.
Most of you are afraid that when you awaken you have to look at all of the lies you have lived by….oops the glass is half empty. The truth is in the half full picture..it says “Hello! I have arrived” and is so much more enjoyable when you recognize that you have the freedom to shift your reference point to validate your freedom. Freedom is power and your spirit was meant to be free. Most of you choose to fight for your freedom from warrior mode and then go into competition with yourself for your own rights. This is sillyness. This is noisy. This is traveling upstream.
Embrace yourself, letting your spirit be free is an awakening and an empowerment that begins a new way of thinking, it is about validating you in your power not in your fight. Choose to let go of the martyr for a while, stop the fight and open your light. Lies can not evolve, fighting them for your right to thrive and be free is limited thinking. Open to your truth and you will not be overworked anymore. You will not be underpaid. You will not be afraid.
Light is a terrible thing to waste! Be you, the rest will fall into place…
Love ya,
Rev. Cyndi Warwick Seiler
Rainbow Institute/Conscious Living Curriculum
Vermont Psychic and Spiritual Counselor
April 22, 2010
MTV has contacted me for their true life series and are looking for young psychics ages 16-25 for their tv show:
If you are a young psychic and would like to be on MTV, here is what they are looking for and their contact information:
One of the themes were currently exploring for this particular episode is what it is like to be a young person living with paranormal abilities. We are interested in finding people who are currently honing their gift (or perhaps to them, curse) and are learning more about their abilities each day. We realize that a number of young people are experiencing something out of the ordinary and we would love for them to tell their story in a documentary setting.
Do You Have a Paranormal Ability?
Are you a psychic? Medium? Can you read auras? Are you clairvoyant? Clairsentient?
MTV’s award-winning documentary series “True Life” wants to delve into what life is like when you are blessed (or cursed) with a paranormal ability. We want to understand the intricacies of the ability, and the emotional and social challenges that come along with having it.
Can you communicate with the dead, read auras, interpret images, or predict fates? How did you discover and come to accept your ability? How do you cope with having this unique ability and being different from your peers? Can you control it? Do you put your ability to use, or do you attempt to ignore it? What do your friends and family think of your ability? What do you say to the non-believers? Have you ever scared or freaked anyone out with your ability?
If your story is worth sharing and you appear to be between the ages of 16-28, please email your answers to the above questions to: HYPERLINK “mailto:xxx@mtvn.com” paranormal@mtvn.com. We also need your name, location, phone # and a photo.
April 22, 2010
In celebration of Earth Day, let us give thanks to Gaia.
Gaia is the spirit who gifts life on our Earth and is seen in all living things. She supports the animal and plant kingdom beautifully. She gifts space for mankind to come into their own spiritual awakening and growth even if their growth does not support her own. She is our unconditional mother, for with out her we would not have a home.
Gaia is a spirit we all have come to know as our home, her reverence for humanity is dedicated and she loves us all. To revere Gaia and show her your grace is to take care of your thoughts, words, and actions as they do effect her strength as a whole. It is time to love your world by loving yourself enough to be emotionally responsible for how you treat all things including the world that gifts you life. It is easy to say it is the other persons responsibility, they do this and that, bad and good it is up to another to conduct themselves differently. This is not the truth. The truth is it is up to each one of us to discover how we contribute to toxicity energetically as well as physically. Most of it comes with our words of non-well being. Words are power. Our concepts create tangibles and harm. Most of us play ignorant in this harmful game.
To love another is to love yourself first because if you are your own worst enemy how can you serve another in well being? Gaia deserves your well being. She deserves your brilliant mind. She deserves your high self worth. Take care of you first and Gaia who deserves the very best will be served.
Blessings on Earth Day, May we remember to treat all things well,
Cynthia Warwick Seiler
Rainbow Institute/ Holistic Center for Well Being and Conscious Living