Current New Earth Shift
The current New Earth Shift is about bringing in more light to irradiate the darker vibrations within your life and spiritual dynamic of living. It is a cleansing of density and noise that keeps you from knowing yourself as a spiritual being. It is opening up many pathways for you to take a step into your higher self.
However there is a darker mechanic to the shift and it is meant to be surrendered first and then laughed at second. It is where women and men fall victim to each other and the fight between the sexes. This is on the spiritual chopping block as a karmic cleansing and most of you are running the vibrational argument rather than releasing it. Knowing that waves of light coming in are surfacing this to be cleared is a relief, however you have the task of releasing it in your mental body first. Laughing is good as it is coming out and leaving, is the tool that helps you to let it go.
The shifts are being conducted this time by the solar flames, it is the Earths way of cleaning up a huge dysfunctional and chaotic mechanic that effects both women and men. Allow the solar flame to do its work in your life and you will then be able to experience the gifts the current shift brings to you harmoniously.
You are welcome to tune into New Earth News frequently and sign up for our monthly newsletter.
Blessings & Namaste,
Cynthia Warwick Seiler in communication with the Ascended Masters
Where Spiritual Death Comes From
Spiritual death is very different from physical body death. Our physical body form has its time on the planet and a defined time to go, when it is time for a body to go the Soul knows. Spiritual death is something we experience when we grow.
One of the greatest examples of a spiritual death lies in the story of the Phoenix. The Phoenix rises and falls in a continual cycle of death and rebirth fluidly. It is reborn from its ashes in a perpetual cycle of life and death beautifully. The phoenix finds this natural and natural is beautiful.
As spirits having a human experience our death is not always so fluid. This is because we hold on with our lower will, or our ego will, or the mental body itself. We try to control outcomes and get in our own way of being fluid and free. We do not realize that our concepts are pictures and do not make our world truthfully. Spiritual Death is painful when we hold on. When we let go we do not even experience it as much. If we were purely trusting of our spiritual path we do not hold on at all and allow the rebirth to be natural just as the phoenix does.
We are continually being called to let go of concepts we hold, this is called spiritual growth. Allowing the growth of our Soul into our life experience is a fluid act of letting go at each turn as one moves forward, continually being in the present moment there is no holding on to concepts, they are all a byproduct of our past. You allow this as an act of love. Your Soul knows how to do this, this is the higher will in you. Your ego or mind can be trained to be fluid. Remember the Phoenix and the grace its message teaches you. Letting yourself let go of the limits, concepts, beliefs you hold is always a rebirth as a new level of being is waiting to rise out of the ashes as soon as you are.
In Joy
Cynthia Wariwck Seiler
“I forgive those things that have yet come to pass”
Weekly Affirmation Enneagram “I forgive those things that have yet come to pass”
When we struggle and resist we hold on to what we are trying to overcome in our energy system. This week allow yourself to forgive that which you are fighting, resisting and holding on to. Allow it to pass through you. Release and surrender as you embrace what is surfacing. Gift the spiritual warrior, the inner martyr in you a break, a vacation and let go of what your will tells you is your spiritual battle ground.
Remember the light in your heart and surrender the fight knowing your light tells you “this too will eventually come to pass”
Rev. Cynthia Warwick Seiler
Weekly Affirmation Enneagram
What is Happening in Human Evolution?
This is an amazing time to witness, and be here on the Earth now! We are collectively going through a shift that is like no other before in our recorded history. Man-kind is changing from soup to nuts in every way, shape, and form and no one is exempt from this change. It is of Atlantic proportion.
Lets see if I can put words to this change:
Humanity has finished and completed a third dimensional cycle that we could say was very masculine driven (not masculine as man, but masculine as yang…doing and over doing, building and over building, ruling and over ruling). This was the cycle that built our third dimensional reality. It began from the time of the fall of the Atlantis. Atlantis as a vibration was a lighter more Renaissance period of consciousness for human kind. Upon its destruction or its evolution humanity dropped levels into density, a slower, thicker, vibrational reality into what we call the third dimension. This cycle is what is now ending as it is complete.
How humanity and the Earth is to evolve has always been undecided and could have included mass destruction just like we vaguely and very unconsciously remember about the lost Atlantis period. When September 11th happened it called this choice to the attention of everyone. We could have destroyed ourselves physically in order to take the next step, the choice was always left to us humans. What September 11th served was a spiritual awakening, as it asked each person consciously to choose for themselves how they want to live and continue to be, it asked each one of us “What do you want to see for this Earth, choose and choose now because time is running out!” Something happened for the first time the vast majority of us remembered we are sisters and brothers and we chose to continue humanity and what we perceive as life on Earth, we choose life!
53% of us a wonderful 53% said I want to evolve, I want to witness my evolution and I want to do it with 2 feet on the Earth! Some of the destructive prophesies began to erode and are still eroding, because of you and me! Now the consensus is at 60% as more and more are awakening spiritually and are willing to make the shift into the New Earth by being here now.
What this means is finding a new way of being, a new way of evolving and aligning with what has already shifted to bring in higher vibrations of well being and learning how to use them, learning how to re pattern how we think, act and react, and changing the tools we use for our growth and development. It means seeking out new teachers that understand and have these new tool to teach that have already made this shift within themselves and working with the one that rings true for you. There has always been 144,000 chosen teachers for this time period that have worked on shifting first so they can be ready to teach others, that has never changed, however, you are your greatest answer and teacher. It IS and has ALWAYS been about you. Another teacher can not teach you more than you yourself can as you are always at the center point of the brother hood of man. If you look at the flower of life and place yourself within one point on the drawing you will know how much you yourself can effect change in the it is always upon you… Love and remember who you are, as you already are a great being of light (this has been predicted, smile). An essential part of this shift is to remember your love for you and let that grow from within, then the rest will fall into place like a great awakening. Remember self love it is your primary tool to walk into the New Earth and no teacher can teach it to you the way you yourself can!
Many blessings in joy, light and remembering!
Cynthia Warwick
The Three Levels of Spirit
We are spiritual beings with spiritual anatomy and at the same time human beings with tangible anatomy, a temple of our soul that incarnated lifetime after lifetime in order to learn and grow. One of the myths that our spiritual aspect purchased long ago is that growth needs to be hard, harsh, and horrible in order to evolve. One of the truths available with the new earth shifts and fully allowing your being to step into present time is that the growth of your soul, your journey can be beautiful and gentile, self loving. What it takes to get there is a shift of the programs you are running on an ethereal level to remove the veils of illusion and to restore full consciousness.
When you get to know yourself above and beyond the physical body level you step into empowerment and activate your right to choose the lessons, methods and how they serve you…but you must learn that you have already chosen your path before you incarnated, and the methodology of experiencing in your magnetic. How you shift what you magnetize and how is about awakening and understanding your spirit, gifting it new tools and ascension choices.
There are 3 levels of spirit, within these three levels exists the totality of your reality and the possibility of awakening from all things you thought customary, permanent and non-fluid:
1) The Trickster Level: The trickster level began dominating our growth after the fall of the roman empire. We were convinced with that earth shift that growth is more meaningful, tangible, when it encompasses splitting from the light and using duality to create harsher dichotomies for learning. We partitioned ourselves away from the light to create life lesson plans that were highly third dimensional and of patriarchal rule. The fall of the Roman Empire was the last phase of the fading Atlantian Rule (however Atlantis as vibration began to fall far before Rome…this is another story indeed) and we dropped into density of the third dimension, Heaven could no longer exist on Earth mainstream. The trickster level of our spirit created fundamentals of growth and life lessons including the creation of karma, karmic debt and accountability for actions. It was the beginning of the veil to consciousness and for one spiritually traveling on blind faith physically lead by their own trickster behind the scenes. Games became our developmental cycle. The trickster level in you is responsible for the story and games you play that are absent of the Divine Light.
2) The Lost Level: The lost level is you where you fell into a picture, a story, a lesson and can not see yourself beyond this encounter. It is the area where you have difficulty with the lesson, the way it was set up and feel discord on some level. It is the place where you or another need healing or a hand up to help you remove the veil and step out of the story. The problem here is that the trickster level within you is the one employing the story in the first place and needs to be addressed so that you can awaken from your dream, story, or difficult circumstance that has you split from the light of your own divine nature. It is also in how you receive the hand up, as another healing you does not work- it fosters co-dependency and you do not learn the lesson or gain seniority. This is where most of our internal conflict begins and ends methodically. When one is able to address and be accountable for their trickster level without finding fault then the body, spirit, mind connection can restore light gracefully and the Soul can step in and take over.
3) The Soul Level: This is the level that never left the garden and has been waiting for your return. This is that part of you that always stayed within the light, Divine Light, and remained connected with Divine Mind. This is you as God, you as love, you as miracle. This level was not able to incarnate into the body through the denser times we have experienced upon the earth but now in present time with the new earth shifts is purely permissible, encouraged and almost mandatory. With the new earth shifts the denser dynamics are fading from the earth plane and the body in order to make room for the soul level to step into the temple that we call the physical body
Rainbow Institutes programs teach tools for self awareness of all three levels of spirit so you can cohesively and consciously make a shift in all matters of your life experience by relating to your three levels harmoniously. Where we teach these tools are in our Conscious Living Curriculum, A Course in Miracles, our Spiritual Counseling Sessions and Psychic Readings and basically all of our work as we are dedicated to our alignment with the Karmic Counsel of Elders, The Brotherhood of Light, and the Arch Angels.
For more information about my work at RI, give me a call, write me a note or…just stop by!
Cynthia Warwick Seiler
The Higher Will and The Lower Will, Oh My
What actually transpires when we have an aspiration? A vision of greatness? A dream we reach for? What gets in the way? What happens when we heal and shift?
When we transition from what we have to choosing what we want to experience, the mechanics that kept us out of the experience begin to shift. They rise up to the surface to be released and cleared, which is great except for one small problem….we get in the way!
Consider you received an unwanted experience in your past that was radically different than that you choose, lets call that experience an apple, and the experience you are most in affinity with is an orange. When you received the apple you were not neutral to it, as you are asking for the orange you built up radical opinions to the apple, probably hated it for showing up and messing up your lunch. The apple was a gift to show you something about your lower will, your karma, a treasure of learning experiences lived in that apple, however they did not fully validate you.
The apple made you learn that you really wanted the orange. You prayed to the orange with the focal point of the apple not being good enough, you really validated the existence of the apple. Then you learned how to cultivate and plant the seeds of the orange. You watered the seeds, affirmed their growth, let them sit in the light to grow. The orange tree begins to blossom a small flower as you see it emerging out of the ground. Hey it is enthusiasm time, you get excited. The next day you wake up ready to see if the orange appeared and right out in front of your consciousness is a apple the size of Mt St Helen. You screech an overwhelming “EEEK”. Much to your dismay your feel doomed to applehood. What just happened? Consider the totality of the apple was coming to the surface to say goodbye to you before it heads out the door for eternity, it simply was at that stage and had no judgment of you whatsoever. You had judgment of it and at that point your focus shifted from the joy of receiving the orange into fighting and engaging the apple. The apple then became locked in transit and could not leave like it planned, more so it has now become a real emotional enemy and an unwanted guest.
So what happens now? Most of us forget about the orange tree, no longer water it, leave it to wilt, and engage our unwanted guest and beat ourselves up about its occupancy in our life. It must be my fault, your fault, everyone fault that the apple has arrived and would not leave. Now it takes twice as much work to release the apple. The apple has become karmic.
Consider that the higher will has and always wanted you to be happy, it wants you to experience both the apple until it is ready to go (because at some point in your time frame you cultivated it) and the orange when it is ready to arrive. As the apple is packing its bags to leave and just wants to spend a moment to say thank you and goodbye, celebrate it, thank it, and surrender it to the higher will. You may have to do this over and over again (consider you can only let go of one bite at a time if you really were holding on with both hands, or worse yet you turned it into apple sauce) and go back to water your orange blossom with the joy and knowing that it is coming in to meet you very soon. The more you learn spiritual tools to effectuate releasing the apple and bringing in the orange the more you will enjoy both aspects of your transition with light and joy.
In joy,
Cynthia Warwick Seiler
Rainbow Institute
You, Your Spirit and the New Paradigm Shift
Making a Paradigm shift? Changing to match the New Earth Vibration?
Changes are on their way and learning how to vibrate and thrive with them is what spiritual growth is all about!
There are alot of old world concepts that structure our reality, or functionality that no longer serve the modern spiritual warrior, visionary and person who wants to take full responsibility for their growth and development!
One of the greatest benchmarks are divine truth to break down limits if you use this information to incorporate a shift. Divine truth or divine light when shed on a situation makes the situation much smaller in retrospect to your capability as a spirit and is always geared to allow you to thrive!
Thriving is your birthright, how ever you may have built up struggle and resistance within you and this you can learn how to melt. Taking charge of your reality is not hard. Owning the concepts you utilize in your day to day and then seeing if they serve you could be a really enlightening experience in the “getting to know you” equation that can make any change in this world meaningful.
Most concepts that say life is a struggle, growth is painful, or work is hard does not equate when you benchmark it to divine light and truth, thus breaking down these concepts do serve you, the all, the everything. Laugh with amusement when you see them pop up and ask yourself what can I do or think here that would create a more meaningful experience for me. Simply replace the old world concept with the new world concept and see how this enhances your reality. Do this enough and I envision you will experience a shift that is more enjoyable and freeing to your spirit!
Many blessings,
Cynthia Warwick
Its all in the Words
As spirit we are pure consciousness. As pure consciousness we are filled with thoughts and beliefs about concepts. Our capability is rich but has to pass through the concepts we hold. Everything is contained within our words!
If we believe a thousand and one things about a single subject, our concept is broad and could be dispersed.
If we believe one thing about a single subject, our concept is clear but could be limited.
We play with concepts and words constantly, trying on, releasing, improving, dis-approving, cultivating, limiting, expanding….it is all within the concepts we hold.
We add mental and emotional thrust to our concepts to build light and dark passions and we paint the canvas of our reality from these colors. Rich colors, muted colors, faded colors, tainted colors…we paint our world with our words!
We play in the game of building our reality based upon the words we think about ourselves, the self concepts we hold. We can pick and choose the paint and brush at anytime to paint colors that are brighter, more serene, golden, and can color our world with the scenery that validates all by choosing new concepts and words.
How fast can you change your mind? Try on new words to color your world, and choose the canvas that fits you like your best outfit, all by building new concepts from more validating and enjoyable words!
Love to laugh as you change you mind, explore and choose the concepts that are bold!
Cynthia Warwick
Cynthia Warwick is a metaphysical speaker and teacher, that also conducts private psychic readings, to learn more about her work click on the links above
Entering the Dominion of Oneness
Oneness is the place of going home, rekindling your connection with source. So much about our journey here on earth was about breaking away from source to find ourselves and our individuality, what makes us tick, unique, and different.
Individuality is important, and to learn that we are individuals and are still one is an amazing feat that is really easy when you understand that there is nothing you do that is ever outside of source. Where you feel outside of source and separated is where you have misunderstood your own self, thus it is easy to find your way home simply by clearing up your own self- misconceptions.
Radical self acceptance is the way home. Being OK with everything you think you are not and everything you think you are is your own home coming. To reunite with Great Spirit is to reunite with the love that you are. To sit in the middle of the everything and the nothing is to enter into a huge “OK-Ness” about yourself with radical self acceptance, the great emptiness of pure life force, which is the most peaceful part of coming home.
To accept yourself wholly and completely even though you think something less of yourself is to reunite with the truth in brotherhood and of your own meaning. We are not dark, nor light, we simply use the light and dark as a way to benchmark and understand there is something to strive for. When we are ok in understanding that we play in both the light and dark in a self judging way and then accept ourselves and where we are at completely for it, then we have opened the door to oneness by the dismantlement of the dividing wall with an act of self love.
Radical self acceptance is the door to the dominion of oneness…it is a very simple door. It is a very peaceful threshold.
May you find this door within you and walk through it into the nothing and everything…the peace that you are…and know that you are home.
Many blessings,
Cynthia Warwick
Cynthia Warwick is a spiritual teacher and counselor, she is available for psychic readings and classes, to learn more about her work click on the links above.
Your One True Job
As spirit having a human experience we have only one true job.
No matter who we are or where we are on our journey our job is simple, it is to know and have yourself completely.
To know your own individual uniqe nature and learn how to express it in the way that represents you as an individual is your one true job. You are the expression of GOD and no one else can express GOD the way you can.
Even though we come from oneness and there are billions of people stemming from one original source each and everyone of us is unique in color, sound, vibrational frequency, style, way, and journey. Each and every one of us has our own way of doing things and our own information on how to achieve the anything and the everything. Your one true job is to know what makes you tick, what is your way of sleeping, eating, working, playing, relating and so forth. What makes you you in all you do? How do you partake your way?
Each and every one of us in this earthly melting pot is different, decide you can have you knowing you in the everything in every way, decide you choose to work at your one true job….to know and have yourself completely!
Cynthia Warwick
Cynthia Warwick is a professional psychic and spiritual teacher that specializes in helping people learn tools for conscious living and empowerment. TO learn more about Cynthia click on the links above
Spiritual Transformation
Spiritual transformation always comes after a realization of three key components have been acknowledged.
We are always growing towards oneness and processing our growth in a triangular format. Our growth it is not always specifically about who you are in this lifetime as much as it about the entire journey of your spirit and the roles you have played out through many incarnations.
When we grow we are looking at achieving insight in regards to subject matter in order to retire it and as spirit we choose many different roles to incarnate through in regards to the subject so that we can realize the full spectrum of its dichotomy. Some of the past incarnations have not completed the lessons and you as spirit opt to work them this lifetime in order to complete an unfinished cycle, we call this karma. However karma does not have to be fully completed in order to transform and achieve growth, in other words you do not have to act out an old role in order to complete a cycle but you do have to acknowledge the three key potentials of the triangle in order to create the transformation and release the cycle.
In the triangular format of completing karma and achieving transformation it always comes back to your viewpoint of self, this is at the top of the triangle. The two lower corners are about how others viewed, reflected upon or treated you in regards to the subject, and how you viewed reflected upon and or treated others in regards to the subject. While this sounds complex it is not, here is an example of a karmic cycle about to complete itself:
Lets pick the subject matter of judgment:
At the top of the triangle is self-judgment, where you have or hold the judgment of self, and self concepts that are judgmental
At the bottom left is how others show you this concept over and over again by judging you
At the bottom right is where you show yourself this concept over and over again by judging others
One will continue traveling through the cycle of the triangle until the three aspects of judgment have been realized so that they can be forgiven and released. Once all three are released you are able to retire the karma and reconvene in the state of oneness as the growth and transformation has been achieved. Why it becomes a lengthy process is sometimes we have a hard time admitting or looking at our own self concepts, however it is the most important realization in the completion of the cycle therefore it has rewards and merits that are insurmountable in your growth as spirit.
If you find a cycle is repeating itself try asking what is the concept that I hold about me here and what is this experience trying to show me. If you are open to it you are also able to complete the karma in a way that is rewards to you, as you are the keystone of your journey, light and life
Cynthia Warwick
Cynthia Warwick is a meditation teacher, spiritual counselor and clairvoyant. For readings and class schedules or to contact Cynthia click on the links above
Receiving Pure Love
Relationships with others are important on our souls journey, however they are not the most freeing aspects of our experience, but can be when you live life as spirit intends. Initially when we walk towards living life as spirit we meet up with conditional love over and over again. This creates alot of resistance and disappointment, here is how to clear it.
Love, unconditional love is something we are all working towards. Unless we are in relationship to Buddha or Gandhi most of the love that comes our way comes without clarity, definition or boundary. Someone can love us but that love comes mixed with all of that persons misunderstandings, fears, limits, and the obstacles they are working through to overcome on their own journey. Most of the time we receive love with conditions and it does not feel good. We want to have the relationship yet we resist its gift in the same note because it creates limit once we take it in.
As spirit you can choose and learn how to separate out the love from the limits of the person sharing the expression, knowing that the limit is theirs but the intention of love is the gift they wish to share with this knowledge you can allow your intention to free both you and them. You do not have to take in any limit of their life experience to know they love you, as this is their condition they need for their growth and development and does not serve either of you to share it. However the love does serve both of you to share it. Using your intention to set this boundary on what comes into your being and sort out what is not yours or serves you to take in is a affirmation of unconditional love and unconditional acceptance of the other.
Love is not meant to be combined with limit as love itself is freeing but the limit is typically intwined in love, letting the limit go is a service to love, and to understand those who love us are not perfect but the love they offer is the most important thing we share in relationship to them frees everyone.
Love yourself and everyone you know enough to set this boundary and make it work to enhance your communication and your giving and receiving of love!
Cynthia Warwick
Cynthia Warwick is a meditation instructor, spiritual counselor, and clairvoyant that teaches how to live life consciously to enhance our lives, relationships and life experience.
Trust in You
Trust is a huge word! Trusting in your spirit can desensitize the issue.
When we are humans having a human experience, not knowing our spirit is our guiding force, trust is a huge thing that is hard to grasp. Once we begin to know our truth is actually the other way around, that we are spirit having a human experience trust becomes simple as we allow ourselves to experience this truth over and over again.
As spirit we have knowledge, experience, and capability that we can readily tap into that we accumulated throughout the course of our souls journey. We have our individuated truth that aligns and allows us our growth in a way that is for our highest good.
With being spirit in body having a life experience we know and can tap into the universal life force to draw upon information and guidance that assists us in all matters as a resource. Spirit ensures our path has all it needs and all that is needed will come in its right time and space, and that our body does not need to fear. Self reliance is easier when we know of our own unique capability to accomplish that which is our truth even if it seems challenging or new.
Trust is an important word, when you know something you are working on is right, and feels right, let your spirit guide you, and trust that the path that opens up is what you need to experience even if there are a few bumps to work out here and there, the end result when you look back will always be that it works beyond what you thought it would be.
Say hello to your spirit, and let it lead the way, you will have new experiences that encourage trust is not an issue
The New Earth & The Fifth Dimension
The earth is shifting and changing more so now than another time in history on a tangible physical level, we are in the midst evolution and of the earth shift polarities. There is something happening on a metaphysical level that is creating this shift and we have the pleasure of experiencing it, and allowing it to change our lives. On a metaphysical level what is transpiring is that humanity is being shifted out of a 3rd dimensional reality, the reality of letting our 3rd chacka drive us into creating our regimen, our experiences, and the way we do and choose things into another mechanic or paradigm. Many old ways are breaking down as this karma is cleansing and we are finding that many things do not work for us anymore as we personally shift and change to be in alignment with the new earth vibration.
What is desirable about the new earth vibration and polarity shifts is that we are shifting into the “Age of Aquarius”, It is a global rebalancing. On a personal level it is assisting us to re balancing our yin and yang, moving into a 4th chakra affinity space, and an opportunity for more soul alignment as our driving force in our day to day experience. With soul alignment comes effortlessness in creating and having more in life and simultaneously being aligned with your individuated soul truth. Our relationships become affinity oriented. Our planetary vibration is shifting so that we as humans can grow into this much quicker as a race and as individuals. However the transitory stages of the shift may not feel quite so good, and is stirring up strange symptoms for alot of you.
As this shift happens and it is happening now it is increasingly uncomfortable for many sensitive people as they work to get a handle and master their own shifts. It could feel like sickness in the body, your world, love, work, relationships falling apart, excessive fear, and a myriad of symptomology that is too vast to list here. It is important to know that while you are in a shift or growth phase you can choose and direct how it serves you. You can remind yourself you are in the midst of a change and that this change is going to bring you to new experiences that are rewarding and aligned with your truth, then look for ways to be open to the possibilities of what it is that you elect and choose.
An amazing tool to handle changes and growth is a psychic reading. A reading can help you let go of the old and step into the new alot quicker and can help to let some “shift” symptoms go. If you are in the midst of change it can be an invalable tool to assist your growth. Consider getting a reading and using it as a tool to help you clear out the old!
Our True Value
One of the greatest experiences about being Clairvoyant is to be able to see and communicate with our divine parents (the parents of our soul). To have both feet here on earth and to know them is something that is irreplaceable and really helps to break down the myths of who we are not. I would love to share this with you so you too can strive to know and enjoy them as I do while striving to know you the beautiful way they do.
In knowing Great Spirit, the divine masculine and the divine feminine they both have so much to say to us about remembering who we are and that they are always there waiting for our free will to turn and look to them to join them in leading a life filled with the knowledge that we are also divine. Here are some things to think about.
To know them is to know you are loved for they only know love. While their love is unconditional and they allow you to be everything that you are not they hold the space for each of us within the core of their hearts to be everything that we truly are. They know no lack, and no contention, they never left our side, we chose to explore without them for a while, yet we are never far from each other at all times.
In knowing who we are Great Spirit will always say that there is no value I can place upon myself or another and be accurate, for there is not a measurement that we can fathom that is that great. We try to identify ourselves by measures that can not measure the truth in who we are, and when we know our very own soul then we know that each breath that we breath is the one that is in synchronicity with them. To understand them is to love yourself, remember who you are, as you are the value that has no measurement large enough to fathom. I encourage you to communicate with them in your own way, as your own direct one to one relationship…give yourself that gift!
Cynthia Warwick
Join me for classes and spiritual readings, they are enlightening and a fun way to transform!
Cynthia is a metaphysical teacher, spiritual counselor and clairvoyant who works with clients to increase the enhancement of their life experience in all aspects of life. Cynthia teaches alignment tools for conscious living via the telephone and in-person.