
19 Church Street #8 Burlington, Vermont

May 09, 2012

Rare opportunity to partake in Ancient Peruvian Ka Ta See Shamanic Experience this weekend

Note from Cynthia:
A great experience and opportunity for the community:
Ken Robinson is a teacher, seer, and healer in the unbroken lineage of elders of the ancient Peruvian knowledge of Ka Ta See, which means “setting the world in balance.” He is flying in from California to conduct his awakening ceremonies at Rainbow Institute and other places throughout Vermont as mentioned below…..don’t miss this once in a lifetime 2012 inspired opportunity to experience these rare teachings!

Note from Marna: 
 Hi folks!  I am literally buzzing inside with excitement about these fantastic events coming up I get to share with you now!

My friend Ken Robinson has apprenticed for 17 years–can you imagine?–to be able to teach Ka Ta See. I knew it had to be special to get someone to commit their life to it, so I asked Ken to come to Chittenden County and share this beautiful, intact tradition of 30,000 years’ unbroken lineage, to us seekers.

Ka Ta See is not for beginners. It is profound, powerful, and every experiential workshop we’ll bring you next weekend will give you permanent, real-life valuable tools that will assist you in every moment of your life henceforth. The culture of Ka Ta See is here to awaken us even more deeply into our Selves, our Song, our Essence. Don’t bring your mask to class–there’s nothing to hide behind with Ka Ta See. But hey, it’s 2012, folks. The time for hiding is long gone. Now, the only Right Action is to show up, speak your Truth, Shine your Light, Love …

I’m so jazzed about Ken’s visit because anything that can last, intact, for 30,000 years on Earth has got to be amazing beyond words. To partake in Ka Ta See requires a commitment. There’s the financial exchange, but there’s also the spiritual deal. Here’s Ken’s Note for Participants: It is highly highly recommended that participants in all classes refrain from using any alcohol, mind-altering drugs, and diets of high sugar and carbs four days before and four days after the class. Ka Ta See ceremonies most benefit participants when we are clear of these things. The Spirits are not attracted to addictive substances and instead are attracted to those who wish to wake up and be clear of all addictions.


Important Note for Participants:

Regarding all of the classes and private offerings, I ask that people come fragrance-free, including essential oil-free, as this helps everyone with chemical sensitivities. The Hetakas, the elders who brought Ka Ta See to our country, spoke attentively to the importance of putting only medicines in and on your body.

It is highly highly recommended that participants in all classes refrain from using any alcohol, mind-altering drugs, and diets of high sugar and carbs four days before and four days after the class. Ka Ta See ceremonies most benefit participants when we are clear of these things. The Spirits are not attracted to addictive substances and instead are attracted to those who wish to wake up and be clear of all addictions.

Please bring snack food with you that are protein- rich and tasty, like meats or cheese. These ceremonies require that you be grounded, so please do not eat before or during the classes any high-carbs (like pasta) , high sugars (like candy or soft-drinks), or foods with vegetable oils, preservatives, soy, and stimulants (like MSG). All these foods can easily tweak the mind and body and debilitate your focus. Also, please refrain from excessive fruit use, as fruits do have considerable amounts of sugar. Balance is everything.


Ken’s Ka Ta See Bio

Ken Robinson is a teacher, seer, and healer in the unbroken lineage of elders of the ancient Peruvian knowledge of Ka Ta See, which means “setting the world in balance.”

Ka Ta See was brought to the western world in the early seventies by Chea and Domano Hetaka, elder shamans from a remote tribe living on the eastern side of the Andes Mountains of Peru, South America. These indigenous people lived in close communion with the Spirit World and went to great lengths to protect their cherished knowledge, living in unconditional love, having no word for “judgment” in their language.

They passed on their knowledge to Kay Cordell Whitaker, author of The Reluctant Shaman and Sacred Link, who apprenticed with them for thirteen years.

In turn, Ken apprenticed with Kay for seventeen years. In addition to teaching and healing, Ken provides shamanic counseling and astrology readings as well as Bone Throws, a profound and delicate form of divination, known to be one of the oldest forms of calling in the Spirits for guidance.

Ken lives in Santa Fe, NM.


Friday evening, May 11, 2012 6:30 PM $11
An Awakening Evening With Ka Ta See
“A Revealing Journey Into the Delights of Life”
Gathering at The Rainbow Institute/Marna’s Healing Arts
19 Church Street, Suite 8, Burlington, Vermont
Ka Ta See means “living in balance from the heart” or “setting the world in balance.” It is ancient shamanic knowledge that was brought to the western culture by elder shamans, Domano and Chea Hetaka. The Hetakas fulfilled an indigenous tribal prophecy in sharing their long-protected indigenous tradition when humanity freely would be seeking such guidance. Their people lived in harmony and unconditional love in exquisite intimacy with the Earth and Spirit World. This evening you will be introduced to this extraordinary knowledge. It is a tradition of fun and joy and intrigue.

Saturday, May 12, 2012
Ken presents at the last CCCASD meeting of the season,
Ka Ta See, A 30,000 Year-Old Tradition of Unconditional Love and Awakening
Shelburne Town offices, Rt. 7, Shelburne. 10:00 a.m.
Ka Ta See means “living in balance from the heart” or “setting the world in balance.” It is ancient shamanic knowledge that was brought to the western culture by elder shamans, Domano and Chea Hetaka. The Hetakas fulfilled an indigenous tribal prophecy in sharing their long-protected indigenous tradition when humanity freely would be seeking such guidance. Their people lived in harmony and unconditional love in exquisite intimacy with the Earth and Spirit World.

2:00 – 5:00 p.m. Thompson Road in Shelburne $150
Workshop: Ka Ta See and Finding Your Song:
Awakening to The Extraordinary Truth of Who and What You Are
“Meeting and Knowing the Truth of Who and What You Are – Breathtaking!”
In this inspiring class, you will learn about Ka Ta See and the power, richness, and intelligence of your awareness, how to gather and focus of your attention with life-changing capability. You experience the Ceremony of Finding the Song, a ceremony which guides you through first-hand experience to the exquisite alive feeling and many gifts of your Essence, your Song. This is the central ceremony to all of Ka Ta See, as it is your Essence that wants to be felt, loved, seen, and shared. In knowing You, you become aware of what is not you, so that you may let limiting identities fall aside and leave you forever.

Sunday, May 13th, 2012 11:00 a.m. — 4:00 $150
Earth Fire Serpent Ceremony at All Souls’ Interfaith Sanctuary, Shelburne, Vermont
“Awakening The Life Energy to Easefully Move Through You”
The Earth Fire Serpent Ceremony fills us with rivers of life energy and stimulates and nourishes our Essences in an extraordinary way. In our culture, most people’s energy pathways are shut down to a great degree, which allows us little life energy to fuel us. In this beautiful ceremony you will clear, rejuvenate, and expand the flow. This is very beneficial to our well-being, bringing wholeness and vibrancy throughout your Being. Increasing this flow assists practitioners in the healing arts to extend more energy to themselves and others in their work. The ceremony also serves to help us let go of the programming we have taken on from our culture. In Ka Ta See, we allow life to flow rather than trying to force it. KNOWLEDGE OF YOUR SONG (do the Song Ceremony) IN ORDER TO TAKE THIS WORKSHOP! Ceremonies build upon one another. 🙂 Take both for a discounted $275

Monday, May 14, 2012
Astrology through the Eyes of Ka Ta See
“Your Dance Among the Stars”
The Rainbow Institute/Marna’s Healing Arts, 19 Church Street, #8 Burlington 7 – 10 pm $65


Journey Beyond into 2012 and explore the beautiful and breath-taking realm of shamanic astrology. Come join us for an energy-filled evening with the Spirits of the Sky who have inspired the creation of a profound shamanic approach to astrology that assists us in awakening a new era, an era of unconditional love and vibrant well-being. Experience your Essence through the Ceremony of Finding the Song, which opens the doorways to understanding astrology through the eyes of your heart, opening you to the non-linear dimensions of star knowledge. Learn how to read and work with your own astrology chart with a whole new refreshing feeling and awareness. This makes astrology come to life, no longer bound to limits of the linear mind.

The Earth Fire Serpent Ceremony fills us with rivers of life energy and stimulates and nourishes our Essences in an extraordinary way. In our culture, most people’s energy pathways are shut down to a great degree, which allows us little life energy to fuel us. In this beautiful ceremony you will clear, rejuvenate, and expand the flow. This is very beneficial to our well-being, bringing wholeness and vibrancy throughout your Being. Increasing this flow assists practitioners in the healing arts to extend more energy to themselves and others in their work. The ceremony also serves to help us let go of the programming we have taken on from our culture.  In Ka Ta See, we allow life to flow rather than trying to force it. KNOWLEDGE OF YOUR SONG (do the Song Ceremony)  IN ORDER TO TAKE THIS WORKSHOP! Ceremonies build upon one another.  🙂    Take both for a discounted $275



Shamanic Astrology Bio 
Ken Robinson is a teacher, seer, and healer in the unbroken lineage of elders of the ancient Peruvian knowledge of Ka Ta See, which means “setting the world in balance.” During his many years of apprenticeship, Ken was guided by the Spirits to perceive and understand astrology from a whole new perspective, from the eyes of the heart. Ken writes a shamanic astrology column for the Shaman Portal and his work has been published in The Mountain AstrologerAmerican Astrology, and the Sedona Journal of Emergence. He also has been a guest on radio talk shows, such as Guiding Stars and Transitions Radio.


To register and save your space for any workshops or private sessions, contact:
Marna Ehrech 802-238-7908, cosmiccreations@gmail.com or send fee and what you are registering for to Marna Ehrech/PO Box 958/Shelburne, VT  05482

Cynthia Warwick Seiler, RI 802-671-4JOY, info@rainbowinstitute.comMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday May 14 – 16, 2012
Private Offerings for Individual and Couple’s Sessions (Prior to and/or after the classes.)     $90/hour

  • Astrology Readings. These Spirit-guided inspirational readings focus on the gifts you were born with and how you have come to live them on your journey in this lifetime. Unless planned otherwise, these sessions run 2 to 2.5 hours.
  • Private Teaching. Exploring additional teachings of Ka Ta See through individual sessions, such as Meeting Your Power Animal, Awakening Your Non-Linear Mind, and The Gifts of the Bear Cave – Identifying and Releasing Old Programming.  1 -4 hour sessions.
  • Bone Throws – Ceremonies of Calling the Spirits. A Bone Throw, or The Ceremony of Calling the Spirits, is a delicate and profound form of divination, one of the oldest on the planet. It is a ceremony where the Spirits are invited in order to provide answers to your deepest questions. These extraordinarily kind and intelligent Beings know how both exciting and challenging life can be and want to assist us in all the ways they can. Plan for 1.5 to 3.5 hour sessions.
  • Energy Balancing and Rejuvenation. Based on the Ka Ta See and Egyptian traditions of clearing out old disharmonious energies and imprints, which create dis-ease in the body and replacing them with energies and imprints of well-being that come from your Song. – one hour sessions.
  • Counseling. An opportunity to explore what your Song wants in your life and what is behind the your not having it. 1 to 2 hour sessions.
December 04, 2010

Self Love and Your Own Internal Healer

Each of us has an internal healer. Our ability to heal ourselves is innate. We tend to turn our internal healer off or thwart it when we are absent of self love. This is why no one else can truly heal another in true healing as it is our own responsibility to act self lovingly.

The impulse to heal another comes from not being true to your own internal healer, hiding from your self and projecting your spiritual growth outside of yourself. If you do not heal yourself first then the thoughts, words, and actions you gift to another are not in service to either party.

Self love is the key factor to turning your own internal healer dial way up. Do you treat yourself lovingly? Do you criticize your energy? Do you act harshly? Fight everything? How do you feel about yourself? Do you think negative thoughts about anything as it pertains to self? Do you keep good boundaries or punish yourself with victim stories?

Looking deeply at your self love is your first door and opportunity to empowering your own healing energy and is the way to address any thing you are facing. Self love and your internal healer go hand in hand as you can achieve what you think may be impossible just by the self loving act of gifting your internal healer your loving support by thinking the thoughts that turn it on. Your internal guide will always work for you when you are not working against you, this is Gods Law and the way to stand within the Rays of Source.

Once you love yourself and serve your self love your own internal healer begins to take over and then everything becomes a healing . The universe shows you with healing experiences that are profound and your receiving opens up. You can even receive a healing from eating ice cream as healing becomes the world you live in. In this way people, places, encounters all support your healing alignment. Everything works when you are not working against yourself and this always begins with the self loving kindness of positive expansive thoughts that serve self worth.

Rainbow Institute
Healthy Healer Curriculum

May 27, 2010

What is Karma?

Karma is a gift to yourself. It is active energy comprised of your thoughts, words and actions that are given life force to create, learn and grow by.

With all karma comes choice. It is the choice of the soul to learn and grow by being a part of this world. As the soul learns and grows karma changes with self loving words, thoughts, and actions.

Souls grow with love. Bodies do not know love until they tangibly bring in the soul to grace the way they grow. Bodies are aligned with the ego until they take the tangible step of reaching to grow in the way that allows the soul to incarnate as director, however all karma is a gift to ones self.

At every turn you decide what to do with karma. You can grow through it, altar or change it to enhance your living, embrace it, reject it, or release it. Karma is always your work here on earth. Weather worked on or released karma is always a gift to yourself, it is the measurement of your active energy that holds merit in how you tangibly think, feel, and act or react to the everything.

When one applies love to karma, karma grows from a sapling into a tree. When one is having a hard time in life it is always about the energy they are creating karmically. What are you giving life to? Is a key karmic question to ask yourself. Learning how to balance your thoughts, words, and actions in conjunction with the universal life force is about attending to karma gracefully. There are no surprises that when karma is attended to with love that a person learns and grows through love. Karma is always an extension of the self.

The need to punish oneself through karma of the past, past lives is not a truth. Being a victim of yourself does not hold merit when we look at unconditional love. Unconditional love is the acceptance of all things including yourself. It is the atonement of forgiving yourself with love. If something does not serve you, you always have the opportunity to change it or release it, and everything with love can be undone.Nothing karmically is ever meant to be permanent.

Karma is the act of self love in action constantly adjusting itself until enough love is added that it validates the soul and fits like the most fabulous glove. When this happens the universe sings as you know your have validated yourself.

In Joy,
Rev. Cynthia Warwick Seiler
Metaphysical & Holistic Teacher: Conscious Living Curriculum

Psychic & Spiritual Counselor

May 11, 2010

Empathy and the New Earth Shifts

In our next wave of evolution we are being asked to step out of certain levels of empathy and our  agreements of sympathetic healer, or running energy and agreements for other beings. This is huge as 90% of our human population is conditioned to be empathetic to others as a way of showing kindred-ship and are not aware of its dysfunction.

Empathy in general is not a characteristic of our soul or spiritual truth, it is of the body that keeps us outside of connection with our soul or the soul and capability of others. It keeps both parties locked outside of present time and in loops or cycles that can not be healed. Often times we mistake this as a healing when in actuality it is the opposite and creates agreements that are stuck and repetative.

As we approach 2012 alot of the density on Earth is being irradiated, as the planet takes on more and more  light. More and more of the harsher ways we learn and grow as beings are being reconditioned to be lighter and free of imbalance. Most of the functioning that cause imbalance are being lifted when the agreements permit. When one is in sympathy with a surfacing pain or problem in another and takes it on in order to be helpful they interrupt the evolutionary cleansing and lock both parties into a cycle of pain that was inadvertently clearing.  This act of being a sympathetic empathetic healer is actually counterproductive to the new earth shifts and are slowing down the growth of others or getting in the way. I may add however that the ability to tune into and relate to another person is completely outside of this equation and once the sympathetic empathy levels are brought back to a harmonious balance our relationships can take huge leaps up in vibration.

Here we have a huge opportunity to know that compassion and empathy are not the same. Kindness and understanding are different from sympathy and validating the soul of individuals is allowing them to be seen for who they are and not their issue or pain. Empathy does not allow for the awareness of the unconditional love of the soul, or acknowledgment of another beings power to heal and is uncomfortable to all. It is not OK to take on others spiritual growth processes for them as it is taking away the treasure and pieces of the puzzle that will gift them expanse once they have gained insight to what they are working on. It also invalidates their ability to heal, learn, and grow on their own merit. At times growth is uncomfortable, bumpy, this is your opportunity to be compassionate, when you couple this with knowledge that the other person is a capable soul then you have provided a blessing to us all.

Empathy is associated with the first and second chakras, the emotional body, and the ego. Here are some signs that you would benefit re-balancing one of these bodies:

1) You feel pain when you are around other individuals

2) You find yourself focusing on the problems of others continually

3) You feel emotional surges of flight or fight

4) You feel unsafe and a need to withdraw or go into isolation for protection

5) You find that you are repeating an experience over and over again methodically and can not solve it or figure it out.

6) You feel constricted, have pains that will not move or shift, or have an issue that you feel is not “healing like it should”

7) You find you are not able to experience yourself and feel you are enclosed in a vibration that is denser or weighted.

8) Your body feels drained and tired and it is hard to give yourself a lift

9) You find you have repeat emotions that do not make sense to you, outbursts, depression, anxieties etc.

10) You feel a “toxic overload”, that your energy is not clean, or clear

If you are finding that you are in alot of pain with the Earth Shift empathy a key area to pinpoint where pain is building up and keeping you out of alignment with your soul and spiritual growth. Clearing empathy programs holds value as it is a rewarding process of seeing and knowing your truth as a soul,  as well as the others around you, It allots for healing and quantifiable growth as well as letting go of pain and imbalance energetically. You can re balance your second chakra and emotional body to find inner harmony as well as shift into a more compassionate expansive state in your relationships when you work on resolving your empathy and psychic readings are a tool that can help.

If you feel that you are overrun by empathy a spiritual reading would gift you the communication to help you to shift and step out of the agreements that are keeping you there. Call Cynthia for a reading and look for energy tools for spiritual healing classes or request she teach your group.

April 08, 2010

The Higher Will and The Lower Will, Oh My

What actually transpires when we have an aspiration? A vision of greatness? A dream we reach for? What gets in the way? What happens when we heal and shift?

When we transition from what we have to choosing what we want to experience, the mechanics that kept us out of the experience begin to shift. They rise up to the surface to be released and cleared, which is great except for one small problem….we get in the way!

Consider you received an unwanted experience in your past that was radically different than that you choose, lets call that experience an apple, and the experience you are most in affinity with is an orange. When you received the apple you were not neutral to it, as you are asking for the orange you built up radical opinions to the apple, probably hated it for showing up and messing up your lunch. The apple was a gift to show you something about your lower will, your karma, a treasure of learning experiences lived in that apple, however they did not fully validate you.

The apple made you learn that you really wanted the orange. You prayed to the orange with the focal point of the apple not being good enough, you really validated the existence of the apple. Then you learned how to cultivate and plant the seeds of the orange. You watered the seeds, affirmed their growth, let them sit in the light to grow. The orange tree begins to blossom a small flower as you see it emerging out of the ground. Hey it is enthusiasm time, you get excited. The next day you wake up ready to see if the orange appeared and right out in front of your consciousness is a apple the size of Mt St Helen. You screech an overwhelming “EEEK”. Much to your dismay your feel doomed to applehood. What just happened? Consider the totality of the apple was coming to the surface to say goodbye to you before it heads out the door for eternity, it simply was at that stage and had no judgment of you whatsoever. You had judgment of it and at that point your focus shifted from the joy of receiving the orange into fighting and engaging the apple. The apple then became locked in transit and could not leave like it planned, more so it has now become a real emotional enemy and an unwanted guest.

So what happens now? Most of us forget about the orange tree, no longer water it, leave it to wilt, and engage our unwanted guest and beat ourselves up about its occupancy in our life. It must be my fault, your fault, everyone fault that the apple has arrived and would not leave. Now it takes twice as much work to release the apple. The apple has become karmic.

Consider that the higher will has and always wanted you to be happy, it wants you to experience both the apple until it is ready to go (because at some point in your time frame you cultivated it) and the orange when it is ready to arrive. As the apple is packing its bags to leave and just wants to spend a moment to say thank you and goodbye, celebrate it, thank it, and surrender it to the higher will. You may have to do this over and over again (consider you can only let go of one bite at a time if you really were holding on with both hands, or worse yet you turned it into apple sauce) and go back to water your orange blossom with the joy and knowing that it is coming in to meet you very soon. The more you learn spiritual tools to effectuate releasing the apple and bringing in the orange the more you will enjoy both aspects of your transition with light and joy.

In joy,
Cynthia Warwick Seiler
Rainbow Institute
