
19 Church Street #8 Burlington, Vermont

December 13, 2010

Spiritual Growth, Self Healing & Creating

We are all individuals and unique as spirit (who happens to have bodies). As spirit we are lead by the Divine Mind, the All That Is, our Source aka God to bring an aspect of God into this world in a very unique way (soul purpose).

Each person as spirit has a soul purpose, a very unique plan that is meant to expand themselves and their connection to source. Each of us is equal in that but yet no two are ever the same, as we have unique information, essence, soul type, soul age, and life lessons to accomplish.

To step into your alignment with soul purpose is to know that only you as spirit can take full responsibility for yourself as the sole creator, healer, and visionary of your life experience in conjunction with the will of your one true source. When you align with your source and your own divine plan, you are fed by the source from within which gives you empowerment for your healing, learning, and growing.

The way you run your energy, lessons, maintain your aura, transform concepts to serve your plan, and attend to all aspects of life are fully yours to care take, play with, and be responsible for. In this way one can not heal another as they do not know the intention of growth, lessons, and are not an essence match in vibrational sequence to the spirit of another. One does not know what the will of god holds for the other, and why an experience is present for a life lesson for spiritual growth. When we mix our energy we take away from someones clarity to understand and grasp their life lesson and discovery of who they truly are.

It is very important to learn healthy boundaries where energy mixtures do not inhibit or control but harmonize, to understand that cords, and being in someones aura is not a safe practice as there is no conscious neutrality to what they are working on, releasing, maintaining, learning and ultimately creating. Healthy boundaries are ones ability to set sacred space for themselves and their relationships. Healthy healing practices ensure that each person has their perfect ingredients for their cake as intended and invented by their one and only true source.

When one compares themselves to another they are invalidating both their spirit and the spirit of the other being as each souls plan is individuated to be rewarding and can not be implemented through comparison. When one sees a gift within another and can celebrate it, then they are able to understand and liberate their own similar gift in their own unique vibration, in a healthy empowered way.

To understand that we can not create for another, heal another or live their life for them is a very important lesson in unconditional love. To accept where another is at without judgment is to understand the power of their spirit to complete a lesson is to understand that their lesson holds immeasurable value to them and can only be completed if they have all of the puzzle pieces, sympathetic healing practices sometimes takes them away. To ask yourself to be healed in the way of accepting others just the way they are is asking for unconditional love to enter your mind from your source to help you in learning how to focus on your lessons, journey and souls plan. Once unconditional love enters your mind you can be a support system for others as long as it is within your souls purpose.

As spirit we do understand the founding practice of oneness, as bodies we think through duality, and duality is judgment that creates karmic agreements. When we learn how to implement the tools of spirit our karma begins to cleans and our relationships begin to harmonize. This is the act of returning to oneness. When we meet up on a spirit level in oneness it is a validating play space worth trying as it incorporates who we truly are and the opportunity to play in Gods sandbox with each other.

Rainbow Institute
Spirited Living With Soul Purpose Curriculum
A Course In Miracles
Healthy Healer

December 09, 2010

Learning How to Not Judge Others for Where They Are At

It is important not to judge others for the karma and energy they hold within them. It is not them or who they are as we are never karma, yet to find the truth of the person it is a challenge to go beyond the pictures and energy they are holding.

When ever we are not in alignment with source we are in a bit of pain, this is true for all of our human companions, no person is exempt. There are very weird stories held in each persons aura much like pictogram s that we subconsciously pick up on and are rarely neutral enough to clear them. It is important to not take the behaviors of others as personal because we do not really know what their entire situation was to create the pain they hold.

This is why it is so important to practice clearing energy in well being and neutrality tools so that you too can clear energy and not be “lit up” or defensive about another persons reaction to their own energy when they throw something or spill something out on an energy level that seems to come at you.

We can never be responsible for another persons energy, but we can be responsible for ourselves in how we react to another persons energy and learn how to not take it personal, disengage, heal ourselves, look at them from a neutral perspective and clear our matches. On our spiritual journey we have many past lives that hold our life force and rarely are clear enough to understand the dynamics of another so forgiveness and non judgment helps to not engage. Surrendering others to love even when they seem to misbehave sets the stage for renewal and to ask for judgments we cast upon one another to be released in well being serves the all.

Learning how to love ourselves helps to eradicate the creation of karma as love is our one true alignment with source that is free and clear of painful thinking and it is a return to wholeness in being. Positive thoughts about self and others is one way to step back into flow but it also takes the task of learning how to be neutral.

Spiritual tools for self awareness and energy clearing are available in Rainbow Institutes “Spirited Living With Soul Purpose” curriculum. They teach you tools to be neutral and how to clear “pain” from the aura in well being, neutrality, and play. It enhances your ability to process and clear issues that you may be carrying while enjoying the connection to your soul in flow with source. To find out more visit our class pages on our website.

