
19 Church Street #8 Burlington, Vermont

December 19, 2010

Im in charge of me, your in charge of you

To postulate each one of us is capable to design our life lessons so that we can learn and grow is to understand our spirit is director.

To see that each spirit is the director of their life experience is to see each other as Source sees them, pure, responsible, capable. When you see this, capability expands and problems could never be larger. Understanding spirit is always master and director is understanding we all come from Source and is a liberating experience to discover.

To see each other in any other way does not serve, help, or support, it invalidates spirit and creates karma. To know that another has spirit, and that their spirit creates their life lessons as valuable treasures from every experience is to understand the jewel within yourself to support your own journey and to stand within the well spring of source.

Each of us has several pathways to choose as conscious choice to learn the lessons that our spirit selects as necessary and can always altar a pathway, make it more graceful, yet still retain the value of the growth. However the growth process is extremely valuable to the incarnate and was carefully selected by ones spirit. Interrupting that process is unnecessary practice and can delay growth.

Sometimes we fear the growth process of others or are not neutral because we do not understand what this being is working on, maybe have a matching picture and do not fully trust our own spirit, capability, and truth of what we have selected for our own individuated growth. Sometimes we judge another s growth and mistakenly interpret it superimposing a limitation that is not another s truth because we have yet to learn how karma is created.

Spiritual surrender, forgiveness, and non judgment assist the release of the pictures, energy charges and responsibility to prove to another the misnomers of right and wrong. It is your ability to resolve and create divine correction to the karma and energetic exchange of interference. Practicing the tools of spirit helps each of us to know we are of Source and truly are in charge, capable, ready, rich in tools and resources.


April 26, 2010

Spiritual Awakening 101

Spiritual Awakening is an amazing gift to give yourself. Most people are afraid of it. Psychic comes as its side effect, it is who you are as a soul unfolding before you. This is why I was chosen to be a spiritual leader under a psychic hat. Because it is natural, and natural is where your power is.

Most of you are afraid that when you awaken you have to look at all of the lies you have lived by….oops the glass is half empty. The truth is in the half full picture..it says “Hello! I have arrived” and is so much more enjoyable when you recognize that you have the freedom to shift your reference point to validate your freedom. Freedom is power and your spirit was meant to be free. Most of you choose to fight for your freedom from warrior mode and then go into competition with yourself for your own rights. This is sillyness. This is noisy. This is traveling upstream.

Embrace yourself, letting your spirit be free is an awakening and an empowerment that begins a new way of thinking, it is about validating you in your power not in your fight. Choose to let go of the martyr for a while, stop the fight and open your light. Lies can not evolve, fighting them for your right to thrive and be free is limited thinking. Open to your truth and you will not be overworked anymore. You will not be underpaid. You will not be afraid.

Light is a terrible thing to waste! Be you, the rest will fall into place…
Love ya,
Rev. Cyndi Warwick Seiler
Rainbow Institute/Conscious Living Curriculum

Vermont Psychic and Spiritual Counselor
