What is a Spiritual Healer?
A Spiritual Healer is you.
You as spirit have a gift to change, shift, rearrange, altar, evolve, learn, grow, expand, and resolve any and all things given the conscious play space and the permission, the space to experience and utilize your natural God given ability.
A Spiritual healer is someone who is able to heal on a spirit level. We all are spirit first and foremost. Spirits have a body but they are not a body, the body is the temple that can house spirit.
Healer is one of our major natural dynamics. Where we hold belief in limit holds restriction to how much we allow ourselves to experience our healer state. Our healer state goes beyond limit, logic, and can not be fathomed by the analytical mind. Letting go of limit, and logic greatly enhances your spiritual power to own your own natural healer dynamic.
Our world gives us options, it gives us structure and parameters. When our world creates parameters it also creates restriction, it becomes a limit to our natural healer. Learning how to utilize your healer capability in self loving ways and employ your own natural healer to accept the world but know you do not have to become it, is your most valuable postulate to understand the freedom that the creator has granted. Play, be amused but do not loose yourself in limits is the simple act of remembering who you are and the first steps in remembering your healer is truly yours.
Healer is liberated with imagination, creativity and play. How you use it is unique. Techniques that involve play may have created the universe, learn how to liberate your healer, it is a strong part of you. When you embrace your own natural healer then everything in this world begins to reflect this and becomes a healing to you. From the food you eat to the people you meet to the sun smiling down to you, the world becomes your healing temple.
Healer is both yin and yang but predominantly yang. It is the inner masculine that propels, creates motion and supports your creative essence. When your healer acts as a twin flame you feel balanced, supported, whole. Creating space to know your healer is always an act of self love.
One can assist your healing journey but your healer is yours. Another person can not be a greater healer to you than you, gifting power to another invalidates both parties as in spirit we are truly all created equal. What we choose to hold on a body level always becomes the story we write for ourselves and this is where our healer holds value as a story can always be rewritten. Many masters have mentioned change the frame of mind, and you change the story line, this with healer is always so. Your ability to write stories always employs a life lesson you want to learn for yourself, you can choose to look at everything with value as you also take charge of your internal creator. Healer and creator is the director and commander of your experience, choose to bring value to it with self love.
Learn and enjoy your healing dynamic. Use it to support yourself and know that no matter what, you are that capable. Open yourself to the wonder and possibilities and you will be on the road to the knowing of who you truly are.
In enjoyment of this food for though,
Rev. Cynthia Warwick Seiler
Rainbow Institute/ Healthy Healer Curriculum
Where Spiritual Death Comes From
Spiritual death is very different from physical body death. Our physical body form has its time on the planet and a defined time to go, when it is time for a body to go the Soul knows. Spiritual death is something we experience when we grow.
One of the greatest examples of a spiritual death lies in the story of the Phoenix. The Phoenix rises and falls in a continual cycle of death and rebirth fluidly. It is reborn from its ashes in a perpetual cycle of life and death beautifully. The phoenix finds this natural and natural is beautiful.
As spirits having a human experience our death is not always so fluid. This is because we hold on with our lower will, or our ego will, or the mental body itself. We try to control outcomes and get in our own way of being fluid and free. We do not realize that our concepts are pictures and do not make our world truthfully. Spiritual Death is painful when we hold on. When we let go we do not even experience it as much. If we were purely trusting of our spiritual path we do not hold on at all and allow the rebirth to be natural just as the phoenix does.
We are continually being called to let go of concepts we hold, this is called spiritual growth. Allowing the growth of our Soul into our life experience is a fluid act of letting go at each turn as one moves forward, continually being in the present moment there is no holding on to concepts, they are all a byproduct of our past. You allow this as an act of love. Your Soul knows how to do this, this is the higher will in you. Your ego or mind can be trained to be fluid. Remember the Phoenix and the grace its message teaches you. Letting yourself let go of the limits, concepts, beliefs you hold is always a rebirth as a new level of being is waiting to rise out of the ashes as soon as you are.
In Joy
Cynthia Wariwck Seiler
The Three Levels of Spirit
We are spiritual beings with spiritual anatomy and at the same time human beings with tangible anatomy, a temple of our soul that incarnated lifetime after lifetime in order to learn and grow. One of the myths that our spiritual aspect purchased long ago is that growth needs to be hard, harsh, and horrible in order to evolve. One of the truths available with the new earth shifts and fully allowing your being to step into present time is that the growth of your soul, your journey can be beautiful and gentile, self loving. What it takes to get there is a shift of the programs you are running on an ethereal level to remove the veils of illusion and to restore full consciousness.
When you get to know yourself above and beyond the physical body level you step into empowerment and activate your right to choose the lessons, methods and how they serve you…but you must learn that you have already chosen your path before you incarnated, and the methodology of experiencing in your magnetic. How you shift what you magnetize and how is about awakening and understanding your spirit, gifting it new tools and ascension choices.
There are 3 levels of spirit, within these three levels exists the totality of your reality and the possibility of awakening from all things you thought customary, permanent and non-fluid:
1) The Trickster Level: The trickster level began dominating our growth after the fall of the roman empire. We were convinced with that earth shift that growth is more meaningful, tangible, when it encompasses splitting from the light and using duality to create harsher dichotomies for learning. We partitioned ourselves away from the light to create life lesson plans that were highly third dimensional and of patriarchal rule. The fall of the Roman Empire was the last phase of the fading Atlantian Rule (however Atlantis as vibration began to fall far before Rome…this is another story indeed) and we dropped into density of the third dimension, Heaven could no longer exist on Earth mainstream. The trickster level of our spirit created fundamentals of growth and life lessons including the creation of karma, karmic debt and accountability for actions. It was the beginning of the veil to consciousness and for one spiritually traveling on blind faith physically lead by their own trickster behind the scenes. Games became our developmental cycle. The trickster level in you is responsible for the story and games you play that are absent of the Divine Light.
2) The Lost Level: The lost level is you where you fell into a picture, a story, a lesson and can not see yourself beyond this encounter. It is the area where you have difficulty with the lesson, the way it was set up and feel discord on some level. It is the place where you or another need healing or a hand up to help you remove the veil and step out of the story. The problem here is that the trickster level within you is the one employing the story in the first place and needs to be addressed so that you can awaken from your dream, story, or difficult circumstance that has you split from the light of your own divine nature. It is also in how you receive the hand up, as another healing you does not work- it fosters co-dependency and you do not learn the lesson or gain seniority. This is where most of our internal conflict begins and ends methodically. When one is able to address and be accountable for their trickster level without finding fault then the body, spirit, mind connection can restore light gracefully and the Soul can step in and take over.
3) The Soul Level: This is the level that never left the garden and has been waiting for your return. This is that part of you that always stayed within the light, Divine Light, and remained connected with Divine Mind. This is you as God, you as love, you as miracle. This level was not able to incarnate into the body through the denser times we have experienced upon the earth but now in present time with the new earth shifts is purely permissible, encouraged and almost mandatory. With the new earth shifts the denser dynamics are fading from the earth plane and the body in order to make room for the soul level to step into the temple that we call the physical body
Rainbow Institutes programs teach tools for self awareness of all three levels of spirit so you can cohesively and consciously make a shift in all matters of your life experience by relating to your three levels harmoniously. Where we teach these tools are in our Conscious Living Curriculum, A Course in Miracles, our Spiritual Counseling Sessions and Psychic Readings and basically all of our work as we are dedicated to our alignment with the Karmic Counsel of Elders, The Brotherhood of Light, and the Arch Angels.
For more information about my work at RI, give me a call, write me a note or…just stop by!
Cynthia Warwick Seiler