Gaia our Beauty, our Earth, and Green Thinking
In celebration of Earth Day, let us give thanks to Gaia.
Gaia is the spirit who gifts life on our Earth and is seen in all living things. She supports the animal and plant kingdom beautifully. She gifts space for mankind to come into their own spiritual awakening and growth even if their growth does not support her own. She is our unconditional mother, for with out her we would not have a home.
Gaia is a spirit we all have come to know as our home, her reverence for humanity is dedicated and she loves us all. To revere Gaia and show her your grace is to take care of your thoughts, words, and actions as they do effect her strength as a whole. It is time to love your world by loving yourself enough to be emotionally responsible for how you treat all things including the world that gifts you life. It is easy to say it is the other persons responsibility, they do this and that, bad and good it is up to another to conduct themselves differently. This is not the truth. The truth is it is up to each one of us to discover how we contribute to toxicity energetically as well as physically. Most of it comes with our words of non-well being. Words are power. Our concepts create tangibles and harm. Most of us play ignorant in this harmful game.
To love another is to love yourself first because if you are your own worst enemy how can you serve another in well being? Gaia deserves your well being. She deserves your brilliant mind. She deserves your high self worth. Take care of you first and Gaia who deserves the very best will be served.
Blessings on Earth Day, May we remember to treat all things well,
Cynthia Warwick Seiler
Rainbow Institute/ Holistic Center for Well Being and Conscious Living
You, Your Spirit and the New Paradigm Shift
Making a Paradigm shift? Changing to match the New Earth Vibration?
Changes are on their way and learning how to vibrate and thrive with them is what spiritual growth is all about!
There are alot of old world concepts that structure our reality, or functionality that no longer serve the modern spiritual warrior, visionary and person who wants to take full responsibility for their growth and development!
One of the greatest benchmarks are divine truth to break down limits if you use this information to incorporate a shift. Divine truth or divine light when shed on a situation makes the situation much smaller in retrospect to your capability as a spirit and is always geared to allow you to thrive!
Thriving is your birthright, how ever you may have built up struggle and resistance within you and this you can learn how to melt. Taking charge of your reality is not hard. Owning the concepts you utilize in your day to day and then seeing if they serve you could be a really enlightening experience in the “getting to know you” equation that can make any change in this world meaningful.
Most concepts that say life is a struggle, growth is painful, or work is hard does not equate when you benchmark it to divine light and truth, thus breaking down these concepts do serve you, the all, the everything. Laugh with amusement when you see them pop up and ask yourself what can I do or think here that would create a more meaningful experience for me. Simply replace the old world concept with the new world concept and see how this enhances your reality. Do this enough and I envision you will experience a shift that is more enjoyable and freeing to your spirit!
Many blessings,
Cynthia Warwick
The New Earth & The Fifth Dimension
The earth is shifting and changing more so now than another time in history on a tangible physical level, we are in the midst evolution and of the earth shift polarities. There is something happening on a metaphysical level that is creating this shift and we have the pleasure of experiencing it, and allowing it to change our lives. On a metaphysical level what is transpiring is that humanity is being shifted out of a 3rd dimensional reality, the reality of letting our 3rd chacka drive us into creating our regimen, our experiences, and the way we do and choose things into another mechanic or paradigm. Many old ways are breaking down as this karma is cleansing and we are finding that many things do not work for us anymore as we personally shift and change to be in alignment with the new earth vibration.
What is desirable about the new earth vibration and polarity shifts is that we are shifting into the “Age of Aquarius”, It is a global rebalancing. On a personal level it is assisting us to re balancing our yin and yang, moving into a 4th chakra affinity space, and an opportunity for more soul alignment as our driving force in our day to day experience. With soul alignment comes effortlessness in creating and having more in life and simultaneously being aligned with your individuated soul truth. Our relationships become affinity oriented. Our planetary vibration is shifting so that we as humans can grow into this much quicker as a race and as individuals. However the transitory stages of the shift may not feel quite so good, and is stirring up strange symptoms for alot of you.
As this shift happens and it is happening now it is increasingly uncomfortable for many sensitive people as they work to get a handle and master their own shifts. It could feel like sickness in the body, your world, love, work, relationships falling apart, excessive fear, and a myriad of symptomology that is too vast to list here. It is important to know that while you are in a shift or growth phase you can choose and direct how it serves you. You can remind yourself you are in the midst of a change and that this change is going to bring you to new experiences that are rewarding and aligned with your truth, then look for ways to be open to the possibilities of what it is that you elect and choose.
An amazing tool to handle changes and growth is a psychic reading. A reading can help you let go of the old and step into the new alot quicker and can help to let some “shift” symptoms go. If you are in the midst of change it can be an invalable tool to assist your growth. Consider getting a reading and using it as a tool to help you clear out the old!