The Will of God
The will of God is that you love yourself as God does, unconditionally.
Often times we withhold our self acceptance in anticipation of our perfection and this is not achievable as it is an image that is not real and typically not finite. Who we are today, right here, right now, is the way we are loved by God, love is not nor has ever been withheld. Usually we turn our backs to this love because we do not feel our perfection and for some strange reason think we are unworthy of the approval because we lack this key self approval intimately.
More over we resist acceptance of ourselves and then think, I’ll prove it now, I’ll go out and save the world, then I will be worthy of the love of God. God does not see this world as a world that needs saving. God loves you in your world unconditionally, and does not equate you as different from your neighbor. To love yourself as God loves you is to take your compassion up to a new height and know unconditional love. Total acceptance of the entire world is total acceptance of you in your world, the mini me that makes up the whole.
Opening up to the will of God is the act of self love first.
Taking your self love up in vibration to meet the compassion of “unconditional love” gifting yourself radical self acceptance in the here and now, is the way you meet and understand the only will of God. Then you will understand that you have always and will always be your perfection in the wake of every moment and can love others as much as you love yourself. “Self love” is a form of “divine love” or the most important doorway back to source. Upon entering this doorway you will know that you are one with all things including source, and that is not a world that needs saving.
But then we say “what about suffering?” Is it not the seed of suffering to stray from the only thing that created you? You were created by the will of God, to know unconditional love is to heal yourself with divine love, the only doorway you were meant to know. You can create anything you want, when you do it immersed in the love source has given you how can your creation be anything other than life giving and rich? To know you are worthy in the moment with radical self acceptance wouldn’t your creations take on new color and new life expression? Do you think you would include the vibration of suffering in them? In the wake of every moment you and each one of us is new should we choose to be and can end the feelings of suffering with a self loving act of acceptance. It can not be found in you healing another if you do not work to heal yourself first in order for you to feel the will of God inside the seeds of your cells. Saving the world is an act of denying yours. Work with the creator in perfecting your creation, and return to the simple act of loving yourself and you will have given your world and ours a huge leap towards oneness.
In Blessings, Love and Joy,
Rev. Cynthia Warwick Seiler
Rainbow Institute/A Course in Miracles
You, Your Spirit and the New Paradigm Shift
Making a Paradigm shift? Changing to match the New Earth Vibration?
Changes are on their way and learning how to vibrate and thrive with them is what spiritual growth is all about!
There are alot of old world concepts that structure our reality, or functionality that no longer serve the modern spiritual warrior, visionary and person who wants to take full responsibility for their growth and development!
One of the greatest benchmarks are divine truth to break down limits if you use this information to incorporate a shift. Divine truth or divine light when shed on a situation makes the situation much smaller in retrospect to your capability as a spirit and is always geared to allow you to thrive!
Thriving is your birthright, how ever you may have built up struggle and resistance within you and this you can learn how to melt. Taking charge of your reality is not hard. Owning the concepts you utilize in your day to day and then seeing if they serve you could be a really enlightening experience in the “getting to know you” equation that can make any change in this world meaningful.
Most concepts that say life is a struggle, growth is painful, or work is hard does not equate when you benchmark it to divine light and truth, thus breaking down these concepts do serve you, the all, the everything. Laugh with amusement when you see them pop up and ask yourself what can I do or think here that would create a more meaningful experience for me. Simply replace the old world concept with the new world concept and see how this enhances your reality. Do this enough and I envision you will experience a shift that is more enjoyable and freeing to your spirit!
Many blessings,
Cynthia Warwick
Entering the Dominion of Oneness
Oneness is the place of going home, rekindling your connection with source. So much about our journey here on earth was about breaking away from source to find ourselves and our individuality, what makes us tick, unique, and different.
Individuality is important, and to learn that we are individuals and are still one is an amazing feat that is really easy when you understand that there is nothing you do that is ever outside of source. Where you feel outside of source and separated is where you have misunderstood your own self, thus it is easy to find your way home simply by clearing up your own self- misconceptions.
Radical self acceptance is the way home. Being OK with everything you think you are not and everything you think you are is your own home coming. To reunite with Great Spirit is to reunite with the love that you are. To sit in the middle of the everything and the nothing is to enter into a huge “OK-Ness” about yourself with radical self acceptance, the great emptiness of pure life force, which is the most peaceful part of coming home.
To accept yourself wholly and completely even though you think something less of yourself is to reunite with the truth in brotherhood and of your own meaning. We are not dark, nor light, we simply use the light and dark as a way to benchmark and understand there is something to strive for. When we are ok in understanding that we play in both the light and dark in a self judging way and then accept ourselves and where we are at completely for it, then we have opened the door to oneness by the dismantlement of the dividing wall with an act of self love.
Radical self acceptance is the door to the dominion of oneness…it is a very simple door. It is a very peaceful threshold.
May you find this door within you and walk through it into the nothing and everything…the peace that you are…and know that you are home.
Many blessings,
Cynthia Warwick
Cynthia Warwick is a spiritual teacher and counselor, she is available for psychic readings and classes, to learn more about her work click on the links above.
Your One True Job
As spirit having a human experience we have only one true job.
No matter who we are or where we are on our journey our job is simple, it is to know and have yourself completely.
To know your own individual uniqe nature and learn how to express it in the way that represents you as an individual is your one true job. You are the expression of GOD and no one else can express GOD the way you can.
Even though we come from oneness and there are billions of people stemming from one original source each and everyone of us is unique in color, sound, vibrational frequency, style, way, and journey. Each and every one of us has our own way of doing things and our own information on how to achieve the anything and the everything. Your one true job is to know what makes you tick, what is your way of sleeping, eating, working, playing, relating and so forth. What makes you you in all you do? How do you partake your way?
Each and every one of us in this earthly melting pot is different, decide you can have you knowing you in the everything in every way, decide you choose to work at your one true job….to know and have yourself completely!
Cynthia Warwick
Cynthia Warwick is a professional psychic and spiritual teacher that specializes in helping people learn tools for conscious living and empowerment. TO learn more about Cynthia click on the links above
Our True Value
One of the greatest experiences about being Clairvoyant is to be able to see and communicate with our divine parents (the parents of our soul). To have both feet here on earth and to know them is something that is irreplaceable and really helps to break down the myths of who we are not. I would love to share this with you so you too can strive to know and enjoy them as I do while striving to know you the beautiful way they do.
In knowing Great Spirit, the divine masculine and the divine feminine they both have so much to say to us about remembering who we are and that they are always there waiting for our free will to turn and look to them to join them in leading a life filled with the knowledge that we are also divine. Here are some things to think about.
To know them is to know you are loved for they only know love. While their love is unconditional and they allow you to be everything that you are not they hold the space for each of us within the core of their hearts to be everything that we truly are. They know no lack, and no contention, they never left our side, we chose to explore without them for a while, yet we are never far from each other at all times.
In knowing who we are Great Spirit will always say that there is no value I can place upon myself or another and be accurate, for there is not a measurement that we can fathom that is that great. We try to identify ourselves by measures that can not measure the truth in who we are, and when we know our very own soul then we know that each breath that we breath is the one that is in synchronicity with them. To understand them is to love yourself, remember who you are, as you are the value that has no measurement large enough to fathom. I encourage you to communicate with them in your own way, as your own direct one to one relationship…give yourself that gift!
Cynthia Warwick
Join me for classes and spiritual readings, they are enlightening and a fun way to transform!
Cynthia is a metaphysical teacher, spiritual counselor and clairvoyant who works with clients to increase the enhancement of their life experience in all aspects of life. Cynthia teaches alignment tools for conscious living via the telephone and in-person.