
19 Church Street #8 Burlington, Vermont

May 11, 2010

Empathy and the New Earth Shifts

In our next wave of evolution we are being asked to step out of certain levels of empathy and our  agreements of sympathetic healer, or running energy and agreements for other beings. This is huge as 90% of our human population is conditioned to be empathetic to others as a way of showing kindred-ship and are not aware of its dysfunction.

Empathy in general is not a characteristic of our soul or spiritual truth, it is of the body that keeps us outside of connection with our soul or the soul and capability of others. It keeps both parties locked outside of present time and in loops or cycles that can not be healed. Often times we mistake this as a healing when in actuality it is the opposite and creates agreements that are stuck and repetative.

As we approach 2012 alot of the density on Earth is being irradiated, as the planet takes on more and more  light. More and more of the harsher ways we learn and grow as beings are being reconditioned to be lighter and free of imbalance. Most of the functioning that cause imbalance are being lifted when the agreements permit. When one is in sympathy with a surfacing pain or problem in another and takes it on in order to be helpful they interrupt the evolutionary cleansing and lock both parties into a cycle of pain that was inadvertently clearing.  This act of being a sympathetic empathetic healer is actually counterproductive to the new earth shifts and are slowing down the growth of others or getting in the way. I may add however that the ability to tune into and relate to another person is completely outside of this equation and once the sympathetic empathy levels are brought back to a harmonious balance our relationships can take huge leaps up in vibration.

Here we have a huge opportunity to know that compassion and empathy are not the same. Kindness and understanding are different from sympathy and validating the soul of individuals is allowing them to be seen for who they are and not their issue or pain. Empathy does not allow for the awareness of the unconditional love of the soul, or acknowledgment of another beings power to heal and is uncomfortable to all. It is not OK to take on others spiritual growth processes for them as it is taking away the treasure and pieces of the puzzle that will gift them expanse once they have gained insight to what they are working on. It also invalidates their ability to heal, learn, and grow on their own merit. At times growth is uncomfortable, bumpy, this is your opportunity to be compassionate, when you couple this with knowledge that the other person is a capable soul then you have provided a blessing to us all.

Empathy is associated with the first and second chakras, the emotional body, and the ego. Here are some signs that you would benefit re-balancing one of these bodies:

1) You feel pain when you are around other individuals

2) You find yourself focusing on the problems of others continually

3) You feel emotional surges of flight or fight

4) You feel unsafe and a need to withdraw or go into isolation for protection

5) You find that you are repeating an experience over and over again methodically and can not solve it or figure it out.

6) You feel constricted, have pains that will not move or shift, or have an issue that you feel is not “healing like it should”

7) You find you are not able to experience yourself and feel you are enclosed in a vibration that is denser or weighted.

8) Your body feels drained and tired and it is hard to give yourself a lift

9) You find you have repeat emotions that do not make sense to you, outbursts, depression, anxieties etc.

10) You feel a “toxic overload”, that your energy is not clean, or clear

If you are finding that you are in alot of pain with the Earth Shift empathy a key area to pinpoint where pain is building up and keeping you out of alignment with your soul and spiritual growth. Clearing empathy programs holds value as it is a rewarding process of seeing and knowing your truth as a soul,  as well as the others around you, It allots for healing and quantifiable growth as well as letting go of pain and imbalance energetically. You can re balance your second chakra and emotional body to find inner harmony as well as shift into a more compassionate expansive state in your relationships when you work on resolving your empathy and psychic readings are a tool that can help.

If you feel that you are overrun by empathy a spiritual reading would gift you the communication to help you to shift and step out of the agreements that are keeping you there. Call Cynthia for a reading and look for energy tools for spiritual healing classes or request she teach your group.
