
19 Church Street #8 Burlington, Vermont

May 10, 2010

Illness, Diagnosis, Time and Wellbeing

When we become versed in the principals of dimension time and space are different. They are vibrational elements that do not have the same merits that we use to quantify a day, a month and a year.

When we diagnose a physical body experience we lock the condition into a traditional time space sequence and label the dis-ease or imbalance improperly. Our modern medicine can not yet quantify spirit or dimensional shifts into the treatment factor to facilitate the body/being recovery. All illness is momentary when we look at the larger scope of spiritual reality. In spirit there is no time or space. In the body there is the illusion of time and space. In spirit an imbalance is momentary. In the body an imbalance is prescribed and usually declared permanent because key factors are missing from the equation.

When we refer to someone as ill we take away their ability to shift their reality on a body level, this is why all prescription is only a partial truth and a way to identify a past time pain or imbalance. All imbalance is derived from the absence of unconditional love. When unconditional love is added to the equation as a complimentary prescription then the imbalance begins to facilitate correction. Unconditional love is a tool of the spirit and can not be logically quantified. If a person has the intent to step out of an imbalance and feel it is their truth to recover, then the possibility exists that they are right. If a person has an imbalance and is working with it for this lifetime than unconditional love added to their experience does no harm but enhances their ability to alleviate some of the symptomology and replace some of the pain in the experience with comfort.

With Blessings,
Rev. Cynthia Warwick Seiler
Holistic and Metaphysical Teacher
Rainbow Institute
