
19 Church Street #8 Burlington, Vermont

July 28, 2009

Its all in the Words

As spirit we are pure consciousness. As pure consciousness we are filled with thoughts and beliefs about concepts. Our capability is rich but has to pass through the concepts we hold. Everything is contained within our words!

If we believe a thousand and one things about a single subject, our concept is broad and could be dispersed.

If we believe one thing about a single subject, our concept is clear but could be limited.

We play with concepts and words constantly, trying on, releasing, improving, dis-approving, cultivating, limiting, expanding….it is all within the concepts we hold.

We add mental and emotional thrust to our concepts to build light and dark passions and we paint the canvas of our reality from these colors. Rich colors, muted colors, faded colors, tainted colors…we paint our world with our words!

We play in the game of building our reality based upon the words we think about ourselves, the self concepts we hold. We can pick and choose the paint and brush at anytime to paint colors that are brighter, more serene, golden, and can color our world with the scenery that validates all by choosing new concepts and words.

How fast can you change your mind? Try on new words to color your world, and choose the canvas that fits you like your best outfit, all by building new concepts from more validating and enjoyable words!

Love to laugh as you change you mind, explore and choose the concepts that are bold!


Cynthia Warwick



Cynthia Warwick is a metaphysical speaker and teacher, that also conducts private psychic readings, to learn more about her work click on the links above
