Soul Purpose Development is an incredible spiritual development course that teaches you tools create in alignment with your higher self in joy. With self awareness and tools of the soul you can develop new lifestyle goals, heal and create, set vibration to offer life new momentum, and learn how to hold space in multiple dimensions so that you may transform anything necessary to develop or enrich your passions with purpose.
Soul purpose development is not just for career building. It is for anyone who wants to create a rich and meaningful life by using intuition, sacred geometry, to awaken the spiritual body in wellness, solve problems before they happen, and enjoy the process of creating space for that which you enjoy most. In Soul Purpose Development you learn how to align with your higher self to empower your own authentic path and blueprint and gain access to your souls own unique individuated way.
If you need to find out more please inquire, or you may read the curriculum in the class brochure. You may view The Soul Purpose Development brochure here.
“Its a great course,
I hope you join us!”
Cynthia Warwick Seiler |