
19 Church Street #8 Burlington, Vermont

August 26, 2010

Principals of Well Being

Well being is ones natural state, natural ability, and natural flow space. It is comprised with a dynamic and vibration solely unique to the individual.  Well Being as a state is a feeling, a postulate, a positioning. Well Being as a flow space is where you can attend to anything within the circumference and circumstance of well being within your own unique vibratory field.  Well Being as a dynamic constitutes molecular complexity built over time that includes sustainability for you in mind, body, soul, relationships, and life experience.

As a postulate you can:

Attend to a personal illness in the vibration of well being.  This allows your mental/emotional vibration to remain high while you attend to a physical body dynamic that needs love, attention, and healing.

Attend to a personal relationship where the other person is not in a state of well being or spiritual fairness.

Attend to a divorce, firing, rejection, change of life in the vibrational state of well being.

Attend to a relationship that is violating you in any way, shape or form.

Attend to your work and co-workers while being in the state of well being.

Well Being is your own ability to maintain a state that serves you as you attend to any and all things. Most misconceptions involve pictures of perfection that do not allow the flexibility to have well being within a challenging dynamic or rough period of growth. One can be physically ill and still be in well being as well being is not a dichotomy state of existence.  If one postulates and continues to attend to all things in their life in the vibration of well being, well being will take a strong hold in greater areas that allow for reflective experiences and eventfully  will dominate. One never has to match a person or situation or experience that is not in harmony with their being. Some of these well being concepts may be hard to grasp at first, this is why learning tools to cultivate and postulate well being is such a fantastic spiritual practice to gift yourself. Rainbow Institutes Conscious Living Curriculum (Conscious Living for Soul Purpose) teaches you how to work towards holding greater levels of well being in your aura, chakras, and biology and relationships. By postulating and practicing in a class setting you are setting seeds that move into all areas of your life so you can enjoy your authentic self, in your own power, in well being. There is no prerequisite, to come to class you simply need to be where you are at as you will work with your own unique dynamic energy and learn how to tap into your very own soul mosaic, song, and authentic vibrations.  Tools for conscious living postulates you are the capable creator and gifts you a platform to practice this enjoyably with like minded students. Join the CLC community, you will be glad you took the leap!
