
19 Church Street #8 Burlington, Vermont

Ayurveda, Wellness Counseling

panchmahabhutAyurveda is the Vedic Science of Life, Cynthia is a Certified Ayurveda Wellness Counselor. Ayurveda works with nutrition, diet, herbal renewal, detoxification, bodywork therapeutics, and spiritual healing. She is versed and trained to incorporate Mind-Body-Soul into a well rounded plan for renewal, prevention, healing and addressing imbalances. She centers a wholistic natural platform and works with all aspects of life.

Ayurveda offers a total self path and can incorporate mind-body-spirit into a total wellness plan for lifestyle choices, nutrition,  holistic herbs, meditation, sensory perception, balancing and self care. Ayurveda specializes in constitutional awareness, centering, essential energy and the study and science of life force energy.

Incorporating Ayurveda into your life is fulfilling….

Employing the principles of Ayurveda for wellness, can be a learning curve depending on what you choose to gain, however what you can gain from is very worth while and will stay with you.

While Ayurveda does not incorporate a western approach  it can coincide, work with you.

Ayurveda offers daily tools and self care for renewal, detoxification, and renewal. Utilizing a longevity science that has a simple approach to holistic living can serve  a myriad of circumstances that may inhibit mind, body and spiritual health, state, or nature and can be very self empowering.

A Wellness Counselor is your guide:

You can learn the fundamentals of  Ayurveda’s food combining intelligence for constitutional health, learn herbal and digestive tools that support your natural geometry or requirements, learn how to balance nutritional needs based on energetic balance , receive holistic and lifestyle enhancing tips, goal guidance,  imbalance support, and more.

An Ayurveda Wellness Counselor is a teacher, coach, and support person that can assist you to incorporate Ayurveda fundamentals and a pathway for receiving your goal in a healthy way.   Ayurveda works with Prakriti(Mind/Body authentic constitution)-Vikriti (current state).


Meaning of Prakriti
The term Prakruti is a Sanskrit word that literally means, innate nature or constitutional identity. The elemental combination of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha (humors of elements air, ether, fire, water, earth which are vital forms of building blocks of life) which is vitally present in an individual at the time of conception is vital to maintain throughout ones lifetime. Different persons can have different humor alignments of ife essence, Vata, Pitta and Kapha as their authentic mind-body-soul constitution or Prakriti. That is why; two people react differently when exposed to a similar situation. Thus, according to Ayurveda everyone is unique and each one of them has a distinct body constitution, a distinct expressional fingerprint or blueprint, which is totally unique from another.

Meaning of Vikriti
The term Vikriti is a Sanskrit word that represents an imbalanced state, or current state of imbalance. It infers something is off and a persons is not thriving. Ayurveda uses Prakriti -original constitution and Vikriti- current state or imbalanced state to confer and tell of the differences,  and utilize both as a means to formulate choices to serve or corrective measures to re-balance and construct a plan for such action.

It is suggested to for your first Ayurveda consultation to spend an hour and half with both Prakriti & Vikriti, you can talk  about your goals, imbalances, problem areas and what you would like to achieve, follow up appointments can be as short as 20-30 minutes and may go as long as an hour. For your initial consultation it is helpful to fill out the client consultation form in advance of your session, so there is more time to discuss Ayurveda, here is a link to the consultation form:

Cynthia’s Ayurveda Client Consultation Form

Cynthia Warwick
Rainbow Wellness Center
19 Church Street #8
Burlington Vermont 05401