
19 Church Street #8 Burlington, Vermont

December 14, 2010

SLC Class Tools- Rays and Teachers

12 Rays of Creation:

1. Will of God, faith, divine right, light, empowerment
2. Forgiveness of God, wisdom, understanding
3. Love of God, compassion,
4. Harmony of God, purity, holiness
5. Peace of God, wholeness,
6. Joy of God, abundance
7. Purification of God, Launch of God, mercy, freedom
Advanced Rays:
8. Transformation of God, altar, shift, clear, alchemy, release, replenish, replace,
9. Celebration of God, homecoming, receiving, rejoicing, expansion
10. Attunement of God, divine correction, justice, eradicate, convert, truncate
11. Freedom of God, neutrality, no thing, the great emptiness, mindfulness
12. Simplicity of God, Stillness of God, Completion of Karmic Cycle, return to nothingness, emptiness yet full. I Am The All, embodiment.

Brotherhood of Light, Ascended Master Chohans, Elohim Transmitters, key Ray Teachers:

1st Ray: Blue Ray: Will of God
Chohan Master El Morya,
Elohim Sound of God: Hercules, Amazon
Angelic Bearer: Arch Angel Michael, Arch Angel Faith
Partial List of Ascended Masters who utilize and teach with this ray: The Ascended Masters on this Blue vibration are El Morya, Archangel Michael, Metatron, St John the Baptist, Melchizedek, Krishna, Mahakala, Osiris.

2nd Ray: Yellow Ray: Forgiveness of God
Chohan Master Lantos, Master Confucius,
Angelic Bearer: Arch Angels Jophiel, Constancy, & Christine.
Elohim Sound of God: Cassiopeia and Minerva, Appolo & Luminia
Partial List of Ascended Masters who utilize and teach with this ray: Kuthumi, Jesus, Lord Lanto, Lao Tze, Confucius, Elohim Lumina and Apollo, Manjushri, Djwhal Khul, Amaterasu.

3rd Ray: Pink-Rose Ray: Love of God
Chohan: Mistress Rowen, Paul, the Venetian
Angelic Bearer: Archangel Chamuel, Arch Angel Mary, Archangels Samuel and Charity.
Elohim Sound of God: Orion and Angelica, Chamuel and Charity.
Partial List of Ascended Masters who utilize and teach with this ray: Paul the Venetian, Dom Ignacio, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Kwan Yin, Ma’at, Maitreya.

4th Ray: White Ray: Harmony of God
Chohans Master Serapis Bey,
Angelic Bearer: Arch Angels, Gabriel, and Hope.
Elohim Sound of God: Claire, Purity and Astrea
Partial List of Ascended Masters who utilize and teach with this ray:
Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Amun Bey, Ptah.

5th Ray: Green Ray: Peace of God
Chohan: Master Hilarion,
Angelic Bearer: Arch Angel Raphael
Elohim Sound of God: Vista and Crystal
Partial List of Ascended Masters who utilize and teach with this ray:
Arch Angel Maitreya, Hilarion, Amaryllis goddess of Spring, Meta, Cha Ara, Afra, and Ganesh.

6th Ray: Ruby & Gold Ray: Joy of God
Chohan: Master Lady Nada,
Angelic Bearer: Archangels Uriel, Grace and Aurora.
Elohim Sound of God: Tranquilitas and Pacifica, Peace and Aloha
Partial List of Ascended Masters who utilize and teach with this ray: Lady Nada, Lakshmi, Pallas Athena, Isis, Lady Portia, Hathor, Eros

7th Ray: Violet Ray: Purification and Launch of God
Chohan: Master Teacher Saint Germain,
Angelic Bearers: Archangel Zadkiel, Ezekiel and Amethyst.
Elohim Sound of God: Arcturus, Victoria, and Diana
Partial List of Ascended Masters who utilize and teach with this ray:
St Germain, Ra-mun, Omri-Tas

8th Ray: Orange, Rainbow Ray: Transformation of God
Chohan Master Kuthumi,
Angelic Bearers: Arch Angel Metatron, Archangel Suriel.
Elohim Sound of God: Archibald
Partial List of Ascended Masters who utilize and teach with this ray:
Mary Magdeline, Kuthumi, St Germain, Leveticus, St. Simon, Jesus

9th Ray: Marigold, Small Rainbow aspect to this ray: Celebration of God
Chohan Master: Mary Magdeline
Angelic Bearer; Cherub,
Elohim Sound of God: Aria
Partial List of Ascended Masters who utilize and teach with this ray:

10th Ray: Pink, Gold & White: Attunement of God
Chohan Master:
Angelic Bearer: Archangel Zadkiel, Archangel Yezalel:
Elohim Sound of God:
Partial List of Ascended Masters who utilize and teach with this ray:

11th Ray: Freedom of God
Chohan Master: Djwal Khul
Angelic Bearer:
Elohim Sound of God:
Partial List of Ascended Masters who utilize and teach with this ray:

12th Ray: Silence of God
Chohan Master: Jesus
Angelic Bearer:
Elohim Sound of God:
Partial List of Ascended Masters who utilize and teach with this ray: Lady Nada, Melchezideck, Metatron, Lady Portia,

Partial List of Holy Trinity Configurations and the Living Waters:
Supreme Being, Christ Consciousness, Higher Self
Supreme Being (masculine), Holy Ghost(feminine), Living Christ
Divine Feminine(Gaia), Divine Masculine aspect of all that is, Jesus
Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine, Christ Consciousness Grid
