Spirit Guides and the New Earth Shifts
The way we work with others is changing. We are being lead by the new evolutionary plan to shift our relationships with all things including caretakers, guides, and in all cases masters.
The new relationship model coming in is about being capable equals. No one being is greater than another, and each being has the ability to be their own answer, resource, evolver, and problem solver. This means our relationships with the Moms, Dads, Teachers, Ministers, Bosses, and “Guides of the Other World” have a tangible opportunity to be rebalanced to allow for more rewarding experiences of relating to come in.
Allot of games us humans play is about seniority. The games that sound like “I know better than you, I have more experience than you, I am more versed than you and the list goes on” are in default and are being corrected energetically. The truth is a crown (our spiritual place of knowingness) is a crown, is a crown. When one connects to their own crown they are in flow with a wealth of information that will work specifically for them. A guide can not gift this as their own crown will work specifically for them and may not equate, resonate or work well for another being. What happens to our relationships is that they are allowed to take a step up into experiencing the actual relationship and the other person without responsibility for another. This is a blessing and relief as we can enjoy the other persons being so much more without struggle or effort. We can work on building the actual relationships rather than the person themself. The possibilities for harmony and oneness become quantified. This does not mean that “guides and teachers” are perfunctory, it means that the control, struggle, and co-dependency can be let go of in lieu of the higher more meaningful relationship.
What happens if you are struggling with a specific guide? If a guide is really lost in one of these games, or power plays you can ask for divine love to come into address an attunement and correction. Once divine love enters all things can be served and rebalanced. We need to remember that no one is more powerful than you in your own space, and you do not have to argue or fight for a limitation. There are many tools that can be used to re- balance some of these experiences in joyful ways, this is one of the key lessons I cover in the beginning class of the conscious living curriculum. If you would like more information about upcoming classes shoot me an email and I will send you a list of what is coming up next.
In Joy,
Rev. Cynthia Warwick Seiler