Your One True Job
As spirit having a human experience we have only one true job.
No matter who we are or where we are on our journey our job is simple, it is to know and have yourself completely.
To know your own individual uniqe nature and learn how to express it in the way that represents you as an individual is your one true job. You are the expression of GOD and no one else can express GOD the way you can.
Even though we come from oneness and there are billions of people stemming from one original source each and everyone of us is unique in color, sound, vibrational frequency, style, way, and journey. Each and every one of us has our own way of doing things and our own information on how to achieve the anything and the everything. Your one true job is to know what makes you tick, what is your way of sleeping, eating, working, playing, relating and so forth. What makes you you in all you do? How do you partake your way?
Each and every one of us in this earthly melting pot is different, decide you can have you knowing you in the everything in every way, decide you choose to work at your one true job….to know and have yourself completely!
Cynthia Warwick
Cynthia Warwick is a professional psychic and spiritual teacher that specializes in helping people learn tools for conscious living and empowerment. TO learn more about Cynthia click on the links above