
19 Church Street #8 Burlington, Vermont

December 13, 2010

Spiritual Growth, Self Healing & Creating

We are all individuals and unique as spirit (who happens to have bodies). As spirit we are lead by the Divine Mind, the All That Is, our Source aka God to bring an aspect of God into this world in a very unique way (soul purpose).

Each person as spirit has a soul purpose, a very unique plan that is meant to expand themselves and their connection to source. Each of us is equal in that but yet no two are ever the same, as we have unique information, essence, soul type, soul age, and life lessons to accomplish.

To step into your alignment with soul purpose is to know that only you as spirit can take full responsibility for yourself as the sole creator, healer, and visionary of your life experience in conjunction with the will of your one true source. When you align with your source and your own divine plan, you are fed by the source from within which gives you empowerment for your healing, learning, and growing.

The way you run your energy, lessons, maintain your aura, transform concepts to serve your plan, and attend to all aspects of life are fully yours to care take, play with, and be responsible for. In this way one can not heal another as they do not know the intention of growth, lessons, and are not an essence match in vibrational sequence to the spirit of another. One does not know what the will of god holds for the other, and why an experience is present for a life lesson for spiritual growth. When we mix our energy we take away from someones clarity to understand and grasp their life lesson and discovery of who they truly are.

It is very important to learn healthy boundaries where energy mixtures do not inhibit or control but harmonize, to understand that cords, and being in someones aura is not a safe practice as there is no conscious neutrality to what they are working on, releasing, maintaining, learning and ultimately creating. Healthy boundaries are ones ability to set sacred space for themselves and their relationships. Healthy healing practices ensure that each person has their perfect ingredients for their cake as intended and invented by their one and only true source.

When one compares themselves to another they are invalidating both their spirit and the spirit of the other being as each souls plan is individuated to be rewarding and can not be implemented through comparison. When one sees a gift within another and can celebrate it, then they are able to understand and liberate their own similar gift in their own unique vibration, in a healthy empowered way.

To understand that we can not create for another, heal another or live their life for them is a very important lesson in unconditional love. To accept where another is at without judgment is to understand the power of their spirit to complete a lesson is to understand that their lesson holds immeasurable value to them and can only be completed if they have all of the puzzle pieces, sympathetic healing practices sometimes takes them away. To ask yourself to be healed in the way of accepting others just the way they are is asking for unconditional love to enter your mind from your source to help you in learning how to focus on your lessons, journey and souls plan. Once unconditional love enters your mind you can be a support system for others as long as it is within your souls purpose.

As spirit we do understand the founding practice of oneness, as bodies we think through duality, and duality is judgment that creates karmic agreements. When we learn how to implement the tools of spirit our karma begins to cleans and our relationships begin to harmonize. This is the act of returning to oneness. When we meet up on a spirit level in oneness it is a validating play space worth trying as it incorporates who we truly are and the opportunity to play in Gods sandbox with each other.

Rainbow Institute
Spirited Living With Soul Purpose Curriculum
A Course In Miracles
Healthy Healer

August 06, 2010

Passing of Loved Ones, Love and Transition

For those of you who have had loved ones who have passed, this article may bring forth gifts. To understand the transitional journey back to soul is a wonderful undertaking to all parties.

When a spirit leaves a body and lifetime it can go through several processes before it returns to gold, or the light. One can maintain a relationship with the spirit of a loved one and still maintain present time community if they know how too shift  awareness to the new state the loved has transitioned to.

In one life time we create a story and persona that is rich in growth, trials, and experiences. When a person has crossed over they either let go completely and blend back into the peace and joy of their master soul, or they have difficulty in detaching from the story they once became in life and still hold onto the lessons and agreements rather than complete the transition.

With those who have lost a loved one, they never really died in the way we perceive, they simply left a body, story, and identity that they created within a moment of their larger souls journey. If you are to remember that we are soul first and this is our eternal self then you can always maintain your love, relation, and connection with this soul as it exists on a higher vibrational plane than the one you are looking at that was the former life. This helps both you and the loved one embrace present time. Saying hello to a loved one as their soul is always a healing for both parties as you validate their ability to liberate themselves from the conditions and struggles into freedom and this is right.

We are not meant to hang on to the strife of a lifetime and sometimes those that transition stay there because they love you and you yourself is stuck in the memory of who you have lost. To understand that you did not loose and you can still gain if you raise your sights to the vibrational plane of where they now stand is to understand the peace, joy, and sanctuary that they have now reached. Quite often I tell my clients who have asked about lost loved ones to send them jokes and see if you get one in return. Raising your vibration in order to have a new level of relationship is the embankment of you gifting yourself the experience to know we are all of God and in that there is only journey….no finite end. To understand the full vibration of what is soul is your gift to yourself and your loved one. There your relationship holds new value and meaning of the blessing and light of what truly is of God.

In Joy,
Rev. Cynthia Warwick Seiler

June 08, 2009

Our True Value

One of the greatest experiences about being Clairvoyant is to be able to see and communicate with our divine parents (the parents of our soul).  To have both feet here on earth and to know them is something that is irreplaceable and really helps to break down the myths of who we are not. I would love to share this with you so you too can strive to know and enjoy them as I do while striving to know you the beautiful way they do.

In knowing Great Spirit, the divine masculine and the divine feminine they both have so much to say to us about remembering who we are and that they are always there waiting for our free will to turn and look to them to join them in leading a life filled with the knowledge that we are also divine.  Here are some things to think about.

To know them is to know you are loved for they only know love. While their love is unconditional and they allow you to be everything that you are not they hold the space for each of us within the core of  their hearts to be everything that we truly are. They know no lack, and no contention, they never left our side, we chose to explore without them for a while, yet we are never far from each other at all times.

In knowing who we are Great Spirit will always say that there is no value I can place upon myself or another and be accurate, for there is not a measurement that we can fathom that is that great. We try to identify ourselves by measures that can not measure the truth in who we are, and when we know our very own soul then we know that each breath that we breath is the one that is in synchronicity with them.  To understand them is to love yourself, remember who you are, as you are the value that has no measurement large enough to fathom. I encourage you to communicate with them in your own way, as your own direct one to one relationship…give yourself that gift!


Cynthia Warwick



Join me for classes and spiritual readings, they are enlightening and a fun way to transform!

Cynthia is a metaphysical teacher, spiritual counselor and clairvoyant who works with clients to increase the enhancement of their life experience in all aspects of life. Cynthia teaches alignment tools for conscious living via the telephone and in-person.
