Spiritual Growth, Self Healing & Creating
We are all individuals and unique as spirit (who happens to have bodies). As spirit we are lead by the Divine Mind, the All That Is, our Source aka God to bring an aspect of God into this world in a very unique way (soul purpose).
Each person as spirit has a soul purpose, a very unique plan that is meant to expand themselves and their connection to source. Each of us is equal in that but yet no two are ever the same, as we have unique information, essence, soul type, soul age, and life lessons to accomplish.
To step into your alignment with soul purpose is to know that only you as spirit can take full responsibility for yourself as the sole creator, healer, and visionary of your life experience in conjunction with the will of your one true source. When you align with your source and your own divine plan, you are fed by the source from within which gives you empowerment for your healing, learning, and growing.
The way you run your energy, lessons, maintain your aura, transform concepts to serve your plan, and attend to all aspects of life are fully yours to care take, play with, and be responsible for. In this way one can not heal another as they do not know the intention of growth, lessons, and are not an essence match in vibrational sequence to the spirit of another. One does not know what the will of god holds for the other, and why an experience is present for a life lesson for spiritual growth. When we mix our energy we take away from someones clarity to understand and grasp their life lesson and discovery of who they truly are.
It is very important to learn healthy boundaries where energy mixtures do not inhibit or control but harmonize, to understand that cords, and being in someones aura is not a safe practice as there is no conscious neutrality to what they are working on, releasing, maintaining, learning and ultimately creating. Healthy boundaries are ones ability to set sacred space for themselves and their relationships. Healthy healing practices ensure that each person has their perfect ingredients for their cake as intended and invented by their one and only true source.
When one compares themselves to another they are invalidating both their spirit and the spirit of the other being as each souls plan is individuated to be rewarding and can not be implemented through comparison. When one sees a gift within another and can celebrate it, then they are able to understand and liberate their own similar gift in their own unique vibration, in a healthy empowered way.
To understand that we can not create for another, heal another or live their life for them is a very important lesson in unconditional love. To accept where another is at without judgment is to understand the power of their spirit to complete a lesson is to understand that their lesson holds immeasurable value to them and can only be completed if they have all of the puzzle pieces, sympathetic healing practices sometimes takes them away. To ask yourself to be healed in the way of accepting others just the way they are is asking for unconditional love to enter your mind from your source to help you in learning how to focus on your lessons, journey and souls plan. Once unconditional love enters your mind you can be a support system for others as long as it is within your souls purpose.
As spirit we do understand the founding practice of oneness, as bodies we think through duality, and duality is judgment that creates karmic agreements. When we learn how to implement the tools of spirit our karma begins to cleans and our relationships begin to harmonize. This is the act of returning to oneness. When we meet up on a spirit level in oneness it is a validating play space worth trying as it incorporates who we truly are and the opportunity to play in Gods sandbox with each other.
Rainbow Institute
Spirited Living With Soul Purpose Curriculum
A Course In Miracles
Healthy Healer
The Misconceptions of “Karma”
Karma is always your energy put forth to learn and grow by
It is what you put out there in the world in the way of energy in order to experience, a person, place, thing, and event. Karma pursues a cycle of growth that shows you how you are using your energy over and over again. It shows you how you have strayed from source and is your only way back home again. Without the gains of your karma you have no way to return back to the All that Is and can get stuck in a “growth period” until you heal it. Owning your karma is always your first step in returning home.
Most people misunderstand the actualization of karmic lessons. One may pursue the mis-use of their own energy and foster the creation of a victim landscape that strays farther and farth from home. Owning your karma is the only corrective measure that begins the dis assembly of a straying from your own divine source. Admitting that what you are putting out there in the way of energy is not yielding the experiences you envision that you would like to have is the first step in finding your way back, and no one can gift you this because it is your life experience that becomes karmic. Once you see that you can take your own responsibility for your karmic journey you begin to learn about the way you are running your energy that is not serving and here you have empowerment at your doorstep. We are born with two internal dynamics as spirit and ultimately as tools within our body and biology landscape to tap into, each one of us has our internal healer and our internal creator/creatrix to tap into and fine tune our karma until it sings with soul.
A huge karmic game on our planet is sharing karma or working on someone elses karma, this does not work. Another person can not learn or correct the way someone else is running their energy, or eradicate what someone else is creating for themselves, even if it looks problematic. This mere participation impedes upon both parties divine right in many ways but equates to the same thing as eating dinner for someone else, or taking a road-trip for them. There is no way to install back into another person, learning by handling their karma. What actually happens in a situation like this where someone takes on karma for another is that they are taking someones puzzle pieces for their return trip back to the kingdom of soul and then both parties begin a perpetual loop of trying to complete a puzzle split in two. This is a very unhealthy practice that most people find themselves in and typically comes from the concepts that no one is capable of completing their journey karmically. All people are capable of completing their journey karmically, as a matter of fact it is required if you are incarnating here on Earth, it is part of divine law.
So why do we pursue karmic energy mixtures? The answer leads to back to historical journeys and reincarnation. When we begin to see ourselves as spirit we begin to find out that we have incarnated before and keep doing so in order to clean up these so called karmic energy mixtures and all the missing pieces to millions of puzzles.
Learning how to keep karma clean is learning how to honor and accept another beings journey while focusing fully upon your own, this is where karma that is entwined begins healing, relaxing and one becomes peaceful within. Once you become peaceful and grounded then you can easily start entertaining your own lessons and journey back to the reality Source envisioned for you and let go of karma that is not yours to clean up. Surrendering is a great tool for karma you can not identify as yours.
Mindful awareness when ever you are mixing yourself into someone elses journey or they with yours is a wonderful resource to keeping your energy free and clear, this is how one can learn and grow without karmic lessons. Learning and growing with out karmic lessons transcends the third dimension, not until the upper end of the higher fourth dimension to we look at and learn how to foster our own growth without someone else, without the need for attunement and correction (healer) karmically. This is the beginning of entering into a blissful state of being where you get to experience yourself as you are from the kingdom that is God.
Karma is neither good or bad, black or white, it neither is a problem or a solution it is a tool to use to learn of yourself in decisions where you choose to stray and is always your road map back home.
In Joy,
Rev Cynthia Warwick Seiler
What is Karma?
Karma is a gift to yourself. It is active energy comprised of your thoughts, words and actions that are given life force to create, learn and grow by.
With all karma comes choice. It is the choice of the soul to learn and grow by being a part of this world. As the soul learns and grows karma changes with self loving words, thoughts, and actions.
Souls grow with love. Bodies do not know love until they tangibly bring in the soul to grace the way they grow. Bodies are aligned with the ego until they take the tangible step of reaching to grow in the way that allows the soul to incarnate as director, however all karma is a gift to ones self.
At every turn you decide what to do with karma. You can grow through it, altar or change it to enhance your living, embrace it, reject it, or release it. Karma is always your work here on earth. Weather worked on or released karma is always a gift to yourself, it is the measurement of your active energy that holds merit in how you tangibly think, feel, and act or react to the everything.
When one applies love to karma, karma grows from a sapling into a tree. When one is having a hard time in life it is always about the energy they are creating karmically. What are you giving life to? Is a key karmic question to ask yourself. Learning how to balance your thoughts, words, and actions in conjunction with the universal life force is about attending to karma gracefully. There are no surprises that when karma is attended to with love that a person learns and grows through love. Karma is always an extension of the self.
The need to punish oneself through karma of the past, past lives is not a truth. Being a victim of yourself does not hold merit when we look at unconditional love. Unconditional love is the acceptance of all things including yourself. It is the atonement of forgiving yourself with love. If something does not serve you, you always have the opportunity to change it or release it, and everything with love can be undone.Nothing karmically is ever meant to be permanent.
Karma is the act of self love in action constantly adjusting itself until enough love is added that it validates the soul and fits like the most fabulous glove. When this happens the universe sings as you know your have validated yourself.
In Joy,
Rev. Cynthia Warwick Seiler
Metaphysical & Holistic Teacher: Conscious Living Curriculum
Psychic & Spiritual Counselor