Passing of Loved Ones, Love and Transition
For those of you who have had loved ones who have passed, this article may bring forth gifts. To understand the transitional journey back to soul is a wonderful undertaking to all parties.
When a spirit leaves a body and lifetime it can go through several processes before it returns to gold, or the light. One can maintain a relationship with the spirit of a loved one and still maintain present time community if they know how too shift awareness to the new state the loved has transitioned to.
In one life time we create a story and persona that is rich in growth, trials, and experiences. When a person has crossed over they either let go completely and blend back into the peace and joy of their master soul, or they have difficulty in detaching from the story they once became in life and still hold onto the lessons and agreements rather than complete the transition.
With those who have lost a loved one, they never really died in the way we perceive, they simply left a body, story, and identity that they created within a moment of their larger souls journey. If you are to remember that we are soul first and this is our eternal self then you can always maintain your love, relation, and connection with this soul as it exists on a higher vibrational plane than the one you are looking at that was the former life. This helps both you and the loved one embrace present time. Saying hello to a loved one as their soul is always a healing for both parties as you validate their ability to liberate themselves from the conditions and struggles into freedom and this is right.
We are not meant to hang on to the strife of a lifetime and sometimes those that transition stay there because they love you and you yourself is stuck in the memory of who you have lost. To understand that you did not loose and you can still gain if you raise your sights to the vibrational plane of where they now stand is to understand the peace, joy, and sanctuary that they have now reached. Quite often I tell my clients who have asked about lost loved ones to send them jokes and see if you get one in return. Raising your vibration in order to have a new level of relationship is the embankment of you gifting yourself the experience to know we are all of God and in that there is only journey….no finite end. To understand the full vibration of what is soul is your gift to yourself and your loved one. There your relationship holds new value and meaning of the blessing and light of what truly is of God.
In Joy,
Rev. Cynthia Warwick Seiler
Receiving Pure Love
Relationships with others are important on our souls journey, however they are not the most freeing aspects of our experience, but can be when you live life as spirit intends. Initially when we walk towards living life as spirit we meet up with conditional love over and over again. This creates alot of resistance and disappointment, here is how to clear it.
Love, unconditional love is something we are all working towards. Unless we are in relationship to Buddha or Gandhi most of the love that comes our way comes without clarity, definition or boundary. Someone can love us but that love comes mixed with all of that persons misunderstandings, fears, limits, and the obstacles they are working through to overcome on their own journey. Most of the time we receive love with conditions and it does not feel good. We want to have the relationship yet we resist its gift in the same note because it creates limit once we take it in.
As spirit you can choose and learn how to separate out the love from the limits of the person sharing the expression, knowing that the limit is theirs but the intention of love is the gift they wish to share with this knowledge you can allow your intention to free both you and them. You do not have to take in any limit of their life experience to know they love you, as this is their condition they need for their growth and development and does not serve either of you to share it. However the love does serve both of you to share it. Using your intention to set this boundary on what comes into your being and sort out what is not yours or serves you to take in is a affirmation of unconditional love and unconditional acceptance of the other.
Love is not meant to be combined with limit as love itself is freeing but the limit is typically intwined in love, letting the limit go is a service to love, and to understand those who love us are not perfect but the love they offer is the most important thing we share in relationship to them frees everyone.
Love yourself and everyone you know enough to set this boundary and make it work to enhance your communication and your giving and receiving of love!
Cynthia Warwick
Cynthia Warwick is a meditation instructor, spiritual counselor, and clairvoyant that teaches how to live life consciously to enhance our lives, relationships and life experience.