What is a Spiritual Healer?
A Spiritual Healer is you.
You as spirit have a gift to change, shift, rearrange, altar, evolve, learn, grow, expand, and resolve any and all things given the conscious play space and the permission, the space to experience and utilize your natural God given ability.
A Spiritual healer is someone who is able to heal on a spirit level. We all are spirit first and foremost. Spirits have a body but they are not a body, the body is the temple that can house spirit.
Healer is one of our major natural dynamics. Where we hold belief in limit holds restriction to how much we allow ourselves to experience our healer state. Our healer state goes beyond limit, logic, and can not be fathomed by the analytical mind. Letting go of limit, and logic greatly enhances your spiritual power to own your own natural healer dynamic.
Our world gives us options, it gives us structure and parameters. When our world creates parameters it also creates restriction, it becomes a limit to our natural healer. Learning how to utilize your healer capability in self loving ways and employ your own natural healer to accept the world but know you do not have to become it, is your most valuable postulate to understand the freedom that the creator has granted. Play, be amused but do not loose yourself in limits is the simple act of remembering who you are and the first steps in remembering your healer is truly yours.
Healer is liberated with imagination, creativity and play. How you use it is unique. Techniques that involve play may have created the universe, learn how to liberate your healer, it is a strong part of you. When you embrace your own natural healer then everything in this world begins to reflect this and becomes a healing to you. From the food you eat to the people you meet to the sun smiling down to you, the world becomes your healing temple.
Healer is both yin and yang but predominantly yang. It is the inner masculine that propels, creates motion and supports your creative essence. When your healer acts as a twin flame you feel balanced, supported, whole. Creating space to know your healer is always an act of self love.
One can assist your healing journey but your healer is yours. Another person can not be a greater healer to you than you, gifting power to another invalidates both parties as in spirit we are truly all created equal. What we choose to hold on a body level always becomes the story we write for ourselves and this is where our healer holds value as a story can always be rewritten. Many masters have mentioned change the frame of mind, and you change the story line, this with healer is always so. Your ability to write stories always employs a life lesson you want to learn for yourself, you can choose to look at everything with value as you also take charge of your internal creator. Healer and creator is the director and commander of your experience, choose to bring value to it with self love.
Learn and enjoy your healing dynamic. Use it to support yourself and know that no matter what, you are that capable. Open yourself to the wonder and possibilities and you will be on the road to the knowing of who you truly are.
In enjoyment of this food for though,
Rev. Cynthia Warwick Seiler
Rainbow Institute/ Healthy Healer Curriculum
The Misconceptions of “Karma”
Karma is always your energy put forth to learn and grow by
It is what you put out there in the world in the way of energy in order to experience, a person, place, thing, and event. Karma pursues a cycle of growth that shows you how you are using your energy over and over again. It shows you how you have strayed from source and is your only way back home again. Without the gains of your karma you have no way to return back to the All that Is and can get stuck in a “growth period” until you heal it. Owning your karma is always your first step in returning home.
Most people misunderstand the actualization of karmic lessons. One may pursue the mis-use of their own energy and foster the creation of a victim landscape that strays farther and farth from home. Owning your karma is the only corrective measure that begins the dis assembly of a straying from your own divine source. Admitting that what you are putting out there in the way of energy is not yielding the experiences you envision that you would like to have is the first step in finding your way back, and no one can gift you this because it is your life experience that becomes karmic. Once you see that you can take your own responsibility for your karmic journey you begin to learn about the way you are running your energy that is not serving and here you have empowerment at your doorstep. We are born with two internal dynamics as spirit and ultimately as tools within our body and biology landscape to tap into, each one of us has our internal healer and our internal creator/creatrix to tap into and fine tune our karma until it sings with soul.
A huge karmic game on our planet is sharing karma or working on someone elses karma, this does not work. Another person can not learn or correct the way someone else is running their energy, or eradicate what someone else is creating for themselves, even if it looks problematic. This mere participation impedes upon both parties divine right in many ways but equates to the same thing as eating dinner for someone else, or taking a road-trip for them. There is no way to install back into another person, learning by handling their karma. What actually happens in a situation like this where someone takes on karma for another is that they are taking someones puzzle pieces for their return trip back to the kingdom of soul and then both parties begin a perpetual loop of trying to complete a puzzle split in two. This is a very unhealthy practice that most people find themselves in and typically comes from the concepts that no one is capable of completing their journey karmically. All people are capable of completing their journey karmically, as a matter of fact it is required if you are incarnating here on Earth, it is part of divine law.
So why do we pursue karmic energy mixtures? The answer leads to back to historical journeys and reincarnation. When we begin to see ourselves as spirit we begin to find out that we have incarnated before and keep doing so in order to clean up these so called karmic energy mixtures and all the missing pieces to millions of puzzles.
Learning how to keep karma clean is learning how to honor and accept another beings journey while focusing fully upon your own, this is where karma that is entwined begins healing, relaxing and one becomes peaceful within. Once you become peaceful and grounded then you can easily start entertaining your own lessons and journey back to the reality Source envisioned for you and let go of karma that is not yours to clean up. Surrendering is a great tool for karma you can not identify as yours.
Mindful awareness when ever you are mixing yourself into someone elses journey or they with yours is a wonderful resource to keeping your energy free and clear, this is how one can learn and grow without karmic lessons. Learning and growing with out karmic lessons transcends the third dimension, not until the upper end of the higher fourth dimension to we look at and learn how to foster our own growth without someone else, without the need for attunement and correction (healer) karmically. This is the beginning of entering into a blissful state of being where you get to experience yourself as you are from the kingdom that is God.
Karma is neither good or bad, black or white, it neither is a problem or a solution it is a tool to use to learn of yourself in decisions where you choose to stray and is always your road map back home.
In Joy,
Rev Cynthia Warwick Seiler
Passing of Loved Ones, Love and Transition
For those of you who have had loved ones who have passed, this article may bring forth gifts. To understand the transitional journey back to soul is a wonderful undertaking to all parties.
When a spirit leaves a body and lifetime it can go through several processes before it returns to gold, or the light. One can maintain a relationship with the spirit of a loved one and still maintain present time community if they know how too shift awareness to the new state the loved has transitioned to.
In one life time we create a story and persona that is rich in growth, trials, and experiences. When a person has crossed over they either let go completely and blend back into the peace and joy of their master soul, or they have difficulty in detaching from the story they once became in life and still hold onto the lessons and agreements rather than complete the transition.
With those who have lost a loved one, they never really died in the way we perceive, they simply left a body, story, and identity that they created within a moment of their larger souls journey. If you are to remember that we are soul first and this is our eternal self then you can always maintain your love, relation, and connection with this soul as it exists on a higher vibrational plane than the one you are looking at that was the former life. This helps both you and the loved one embrace present time. Saying hello to a loved one as their soul is always a healing for both parties as you validate their ability to liberate themselves from the conditions and struggles into freedom and this is right.
We are not meant to hang on to the strife of a lifetime and sometimes those that transition stay there because they love you and you yourself is stuck in the memory of who you have lost. To understand that you did not loose and you can still gain if you raise your sights to the vibrational plane of where they now stand is to understand the peace, joy, and sanctuary that they have now reached. Quite often I tell my clients who have asked about lost loved ones to send them jokes and see if you get one in return. Raising your vibration in order to have a new level of relationship is the embankment of you gifting yourself the experience to know we are all of God and in that there is only journey….no finite end. To understand the full vibration of what is soul is your gift to yourself and your loved one. There your relationship holds new value and meaning of the blessing and light of what truly is of God.
In Joy,
Rev. Cynthia Warwick Seiler
What is “Being Psychic” ?
Is psychic real? Is it supernatural? What is it?
“Psychic” is a natural part of your own ability to perceive, know, sense, read, hear, feel, smell, as well as communicate with another, spirit to spirit.
We are human born of our physical parents for one lifetime. We are spirit born of our metaphysical parents for eternity. The birth and existence of our soul has capability beyond our current understanding. To be born human does not mean you have to give up your existential identity, of essence, persona, capability and gifts if you choose to live your life this way. Living your life this way is natural, permissible, and rich in joyful self loving tools. To live a human life rich and full of the integrity of your soul has sacrifice. You have to be willing to give up where you play small, and sit in the field of limiting agreements that are not in alignment with your souls truth. Learning tools and skills to manage how you run your energy, balance and awaken your spiritual geometry, is a wonderful process of self discovery with many rewards. Being “Psychic” or “Spiritually Aware” is one of them. Using your awareness to enhance your life is what connecting to your higher purpose and unfolding its pathway is all about. Each person is creatively unique and has their own special gift to expand upon which is enhanced living. Developing your intuition is about you being mindful and aware of your own energy, and how you use and apply it, to all that you do.
What about Psychic Powers you may ask? You are powerful. You are capable. You are creating all the time, however you may not know it. Today’s experience was yesterdays creation, you already carved it. Tomorrows dynamics change and rearrange with each new vibration that you validate and bring in. Living in the now, the perpetual unwinding of time is about learning how to synergize with your soul. You always have the opportunity to practice being commander of your ship, the life you lead is your ship. Learning how to create with love, light, essence, balance, harmony is hard to do when you have your life on autopilot and allow yourself to be unconscious to the dynamics you work, play, and cultivate with. Psychic is always of the Soul.
What about the myriad of philosophies out there that tell me how to behave, think, and act? There are only 2 kinds of energy: Yours, and not yours. Our world is filled with concepts. Within each concept you hold exists your own unique expression, essence and dynamic, the rest does not serve. Most concepts that encompass lack and limitation do not serve the self love of the soul. Learning how to identify, measure, and quantify and your unique truth against external concepts is a gift to yourself. Learning how to release concepts that do not support you, your energy, rather than fighting them is what being spiritually mindful is all about.
Mindfulness is the act of self awareness employed to benefit right action of mind, body, spirit and is very much about being psychic or spiritually aware. Self awareness of you in the world around you assists you to manifest from the self love that you are, and in this you are in alignment with your soul.
What about the accusations of Psychic being Occult? Denser dynamics are always out there in the world and usually are absent of self love. Being unaware or unconscious to them does not make them less or go away. Everything is a choice that someone, somewhere had made. Duality says one is good and one is bad. In truth duality and dichotomy thinking is a complexity that does not exist when you connect with your soul. Learning yourself how to make choices stemming from conscious awareness in alignment with your soul is about learning how to step outside of dichotomy thinking.
What about the Supernatural? A Course in Miracles says fear is a mistake. Learning how to release fear and body mechanics that are of density serves the soul and are tools RI covers in class. The truth and existence of divine law is accessible to all beings. One very important one is about seniority: There are many variations of it but generally it states “No one is more powerful than you in your own space” generally it is you who is convinced to serve or not serve you by your beliefs. Claiming something is natural or supernatural has no bearing to you in your own truth, running your own energy, living your own life, unless you yourself allows it to have an impact.
Most of these concepts and tools are covered in RI’s classes and in RI’s Conscious Living Curriculum. The foundation of Rainbow Institutes spiritual awareness philosophy is about teaching you how to use your awareness and energy to foster harmony in relationship to all things… while simultaneously serving yourself with concepts that validate your unique being, light, dynamics, and path. If you would like to expand upon your spiritual awareness and learn holistic energy tools for conscious living, pre-register for each class of interest and RI will notify you of the next available class dates.
In Joy,
Cynthia Warwick Seiler
Rainbow Institute
What is Karma?
Karma is a gift to yourself. It is active energy comprised of your thoughts, words and actions that are given life force to create, learn and grow by.
With all karma comes choice. It is the choice of the soul to learn and grow by being a part of this world. As the soul learns and grows karma changes with self loving words, thoughts, and actions.
Souls grow with love. Bodies do not know love until they tangibly bring in the soul to grace the way they grow. Bodies are aligned with the ego until they take the tangible step of reaching to grow in the way that allows the soul to incarnate as director, however all karma is a gift to ones self.
At every turn you decide what to do with karma. You can grow through it, altar or change it to enhance your living, embrace it, reject it, or release it. Karma is always your work here on earth. Weather worked on or released karma is always a gift to yourself, it is the measurement of your active energy that holds merit in how you tangibly think, feel, and act or react to the everything.
When one applies love to karma, karma grows from a sapling into a tree. When one is having a hard time in life it is always about the energy they are creating karmically. What are you giving life to? Is a key karmic question to ask yourself. Learning how to balance your thoughts, words, and actions in conjunction with the universal life force is about attending to karma gracefully. There are no surprises that when karma is attended to with love that a person learns and grows through love. Karma is always an extension of the self.
The need to punish oneself through karma of the past, past lives is not a truth. Being a victim of yourself does not hold merit when we look at unconditional love. Unconditional love is the acceptance of all things including yourself. It is the atonement of forgiving yourself with love. If something does not serve you, you always have the opportunity to change it or release it, and everything with love can be undone.Nothing karmically is ever meant to be permanent.
Karma is the act of self love in action constantly adjusting itself until enough love is added that it validates the soul and fits like the most fabulous glove. When this happens the universe sings as you know your have validated yourself.
In Joy,
Rev. Cynthia Warwick Seiler
Metaphysical & Holistic Teacher: Conscious Living Curriculum
Psychic & Spiritual Counselor
The Will of God
The will of God is that you love yourself as God does, unconditionally.
Often times we withhold our self acceptance in anticipation of our perfection and this is not achievable as it is an image that is not real and typically not finite. Who we are today, right here, right now, is the way we are loved by God, love is not nor has ever been withheld. Usually we turn our backs to this love because we do not feel our perfection and for some strange reason think we are unworthy of the approval because we lack this key self approval intimately.
More over we resist acceptance of ourselves and then think, I’ll prove it now, I’ll go out and save the world, then I will be worthy of the love of God. God does not see this world as a world that needs saving. God loves you in your world unconditionally, and does not equate you as different from your neighbor. To love yourself as God loves you is to take your compassion up to a new height and know unconditional love. Total acceptance of the entire world is total acceptance of you in your world, the mini me that makes up the whole.
Opening up to the will of God is the act of self love first.
Taking your self love up in vibration to meet the compassion of “unconditional love” gifting yourself radical self acceptance in the here and now, is the way you meet and understand the only will of God. Then you will understand that you have always and will always be your perfection in the wake of every moment and can love others as much as you love yourself. “Self love” is a form of “divine love” or the most important doorway back to source. Upon entering this doorway you will know that you are one with all things including source, and that is not a world that needs saving.
But then we say “what about suffering?” Is it not the seed of suffering to stray from the only thing that created you? You were created by the will of God, to know unconditional love is to heal yourself with divine love, the only doorway you were meant to know. You can create anything you want, when you do it immersed in the love source has given you how can your creation be anything other than life giving and rich? To know you are worthy in the moment with radical self acceptance wouldn’t your creations take on new color and new life expression? Do you think you would include the vibration of suffering in them? In the wake of every moment you and each one of us is new should we choose to be and can end the feelings of suffering with a self loving act of acceptance. It can not be found in you healing another if you do not work to heal yourself first in order for you to feel the will of God inside the seeds of your cells. Saving the world is an act of denying yours. Work with the creator in perfecting your creation, and return to the simple act of loving yourself and you will have given your world and ours a huge leap towards oneness.
In Blessings, Love and Joy,
Rev. Cynthia Warwick Seiler
Rainbow Institute/A Course in Miracles
Spirit Guides and the New Earth Shifts
The way we work with others is changing. We are being lead by the new evolutionary plan to shift our relationships with all things including caretakers, guides, and in all cases masters.
The new relationship model coming in is about being capable equals. No one being is greater than another, and each being has the ability to be their own answer, resource, evolver, and problem solver. This means our relationships with the Moms, Dads, Teachers, Ministers, Bosses, and “Guides of the Other World” have a tangible opportunity to be rebalanced to allow for more rewarding experiences of relating to come in.
Allot of games us humans play is about seniority. The games that sound like “I know better than you, I have more experience than you, I am more versed than you and the list goes on” are in default and are being corrected energetically. The truth is a crown (our spiritual place of knowingness) is a crown, is a crown. When one connects to their own crown they are in flow with a wealth of information that will work specifically for them. A guide can not gift this as their own crown will work specifically for them and may not equate, resonate or work well for another being. What happens to our relationships is that they are allowed to take a step up into experiencing the actual relationship and the other person without responsibility for another. This is a blessing and relief as we can enjoy the other persons being so much more without struggle or effort. We can work on building the actual relationships rather than the person themself. The possibilities for harmony and oneness become quantified. This does not mean that “guides and teachers” are perfunctory, it means that the control, struggle, and co-dependency can be let go of in lieu of the higher more meaningful relationship.
What happens if you are struggling with a specific guide? If a guide is really lost in one of these games, or power plays you can ask for divine love to come into address an attunement and correction. Once divine love enters all things can be served and rebalanced. We need to remember that no one is more powerful than you in your own space, and you do not have to argue or fight for a limitation. There are many tools that can be used to re- balance some of these experiences in joyful ways, this is one of the key lessons I cover in the beginning class of the conscious living curriculum. If you would like more information about upcoming classes shoot me an email and I will send you a list of what is coming up next.
In Joy,
Rev. Cynthia Warwick Seiler
Spiritual Awakening 101
Spiritual Awakening is an amazing gift to give yourself. Most people are afraid of it. Psychic comes as its side effect, it is who you are as a soul unfolding before you. This is why I was chosen to be a spiritual leader under a psychic hat. Because it is natural, and natural is where your power is.
Most of you are afraid that when you awaken you have to look at all of the lies you have lived by….oops the glass is half empty. The truth is in the half full picture..it says “Hello! I have arrived” and is so much more enjoyable when you recognize that you have the freedom to shift your reference point to validate your freedom. Freedom is power and your spirit was meant to be free. Most of you choose to fight for your freedom from warrior mode and then go into competition with yourself for your own rights. This is sillyness. This is noisy. This is traveling upstream.
Embrace yourself, letting your spirit be free is an awakening and an empowerment that begins a new way of thinking, it is about validating you in your power not in your fight. Choose to let go of the martyr for a while, stop the fight and open your light. Lies can not evolve, fighting them for your right to thrive and be free is limited thinking. Open to your truth and you will not be overworked anymore. You will not be underpaid. You will not be afraid.
Light is a terrible thing to waste! Be you, the rest will fall into place…
Love ya,
Rev. Cyndi Warwick Seiler
Rainbow Institute/Conscious Living Curriculum
Vermont Psychic and Spiritual Counselor
Where Spiritual Death Comes From
Spiritual death is very different from physical body death. Our physical body form has its time on the planet and a defined time to go, when it is time for a body to go the Soul knows. Spiritual death is something we experience when we grow.
One of the greatest examples of a spiritual death lies in the story of the Phoenix. The Phoenix rises and falls in a continual cycle of death and rebirth fluidly. It is reborn from its ashes in a perpetual cycle of life and death beautifully. The phoenix finds this natural and natural is beautiful.
As spirits having a human experience our death is not always so fluid. This is because we hold on with our lower will, or our ego will, or the mental body itself. We try to control outcomes and get in our own way of being fluid and free. We do not realize that our concepts are pictures and do not make our world truthfully. Spiritual Death is painful when we hold on. When we let go we do not even experience it as much. If we were purely trusting of our spiritual path we do not hold on at all and allow the rebirth to be natural just as the phoenix does.
We are continually being called to let go of concepts we hold, this is called spiritual growth. Allowing the growth of our Soul into our life experience is a fluid act of letting go at each turn as one moves forward, continually being in the present moment there is no holding on to concepts, they are all a byproduct of our past. You allow this as an act of love. Your Soul knows how to do this, this is the higher will in you. Your ego or mind can be trained to be fluid. Remember the Phoenix and the grace its message teaches you. Letting yourself let go of the limits, concepts, beliefs you hold is always a rebirth as a new level of being is waiting to rise out of the ashes as soon as you are.
In Joy
Cynthia Wariwck Seiler
“I forgive those things that have yet come to pass”
Weekly Affirmation Enneagram “I forgive those things that have yet come to pass”
When we struggle and resist we hold on to what we are trying to overcome in our energy system. This week allow yourself to forgive that which you are fighting, resisting and holding on to. Allow it to pass through you. Release and surrender as you embrace what is surfacing. Gift the spiritual warrior, the inner martyr in you a break, a vacation and let go of what your will tells you is your spiritual battle ground.
Remember the light in your heart and surrender the fight knowing your light tells you “this too will eventually come to pass”
Rev. Cynthia Warwick Seiler
Weekly Affirmation Enneagram
The Three Levels of Spirit
We are spiritual beings with spiritual anatomy and at the same time human beings with tangible anatomy, a temple of our soul that incarnated lifetime after lifetime in order to learn and grow. One of the myths that our spiritual aspect purchased long ago is that growth needs to be hard, harsh, and horrible in order to evolve. One of the truths available with the new earth shifts and fully allowing your being to step into present time is that the growth of your soul, your journey can be beautiful and gentile, self loving. What it takes to get there is a shift of the programs you are running on an ethereal level to remove the veils of illusion and to restore full consciousness.
When you get to know yourself above and beyond the physical body level you step into empowerment and activate your right to choose the lessons, methods and how they serve you…but you must learn that you have already chosen your path before you incarnated, and the methodology of experiencing in your magnetic. How you shift what you magnetize and how is about awakening and understanding your spirit, gifting it new tools and ascension choices.
There are 3 levels of spirit, within these three levels exists the totality of your reality and the possibility of awakening from all things you thought customary, permanent and non-fluid:
1) The Trickster Level: The trickster level began dominating our growth after the fall of the roman empire. We were convinced with that earth shift that growth is more meaningful, tangible, when it encompasses splitting from the light and using duality to create harsher dichotomies for learning. We partitioned ourselves away from the light to create life lesson plans that were highly third dimensional and of patriarchal rule. The fall of the Roman Empire was the last phase of the fading Atlantian Rule (however Atlantis as vibration began to fall far before Rome…this is another story indeed) and we dropped into density of the third dimension, Heaven could no longer exist on Earth mainstream. The trickster level of our spirit created fundamentals of growth and life lessons including the creation of karma, karmic debt and accountability for actions. It was the beginning of the veil to consciousness and for one spiritually traveling on blind faith physically lead by their own trickster behind the scenes. Games became our developmental cycle. The trickster level in you is responsible for the story and games you play that are absent of the Divine Light.
2) The Lost Level: The lost level is you where you fell into a picture, a story, a lesson and can not see yourself beyond this encounter. It is the area where you have difficulty with the lesson, the way it was set up and feel discord on some level. It is the place where you or another need healing or a hand up to help you remove the veil and step out of the story. The problem here is that the trickster level within you is the one employing the story in the first place and needs to be addressed so that you can awaken from your dream, story, or difficult circumstance that has you split from the light of your own divine nature. It is also in how you receive the hand up, as another healing you does not work- it fosters co-dependency and you do not learn the lesson or gain seniority. This is where most of our internal conflict begins and ends methodically. When one is able to address and be accountable for their trickster level without finding fault then the body, spirit, mind connection can restore light gracefully and the Soul can step in and take over.
3) The Soul Level: This is the level that never left the garden and has been waiting for your return. This is that part of you that always stayed within the light, Divine Light, and remained connected with Divine Mind. This is you as God, you as love, you as miracle. This level was not able to incarnate into the body through the denser times we have experienced upon the earth but now in present time with the new earth shifts is purely permissible, encouraged and almost mandatory. With the new earth shifts the denser dynamics are fading from the earth plane and the body in order to make room for the soul level to step into the temple that we call the physical body
Rainbow Institutes programs teach tools for self awareness of all three levels of spirit so you can cohesively and consciously make a shift in all matters of your life experience by relating to your three levels harmoniously. Where we teach these tools are in our Conscious Living Curriculum, A Course in Miracles, our Spiritual Counseling Sessions and Psychic Readings and basically all of our work as we are dedicated to our alignment with the Karmic Counsel of Elders, The Brotherhood of Light, and the Arch Angels.
For more information about my work at RI, give me a call, write me a note or…just stop by!
Cynthia Warwick Seiler
The Higher Will and The Lower Will, Oh My
What actually transpires when we have an aspiration? A vision of greatness? A dream we reach for? What gets in the way? What happens when we heal and shift?
When we transition from what we have to choosing what we want to experience, the mechanics that kept us out of the experience begin to shift. They rise up to the surface to be released and cleared, which is great except for one small problem….we get in the way!
Consider you received an unwanted experience in your past that was radically different than that you choose, lets call that experience an apple, and the experience you are most in affinity with is an orange. When you received the apple you were not neutral to it, as you are asking for the orange you built up radical opinions to the apple, probably hated it for showing up and messing up your lunch. The apple was a gift to show you something about your lower will, your karma, a treasure of learning experiences lived in that apple, however they did not fully validate you.
The apple made you learn that you really wanted the orange. You prayed to the orange with the focal point of the apple not being good enough, you really validated the existence of the apple. Then you learned how to cultivate and plant the seeds of the orange. You watered the seeds, affirmed their growth, let them sit in the light to grow. The orange tree begins to blossom a small flower as you see it emerging out of the ground. Hey it is enthusiasm time, you get excited. The next day you wake up ready to see if the orange appeared and right out in front of your consciousness is a apple the size of Mt St Helen. You screech an overwhelming “EEEK”. Much to your dismay your feel doomed to applehood. What just happened? Consider the totality of the apple was coming to the surface to say goodbye to you before it heads out the door for eternity, it simply was at that stage and had no judgment of you whatsoever. You had judgment of it and at that point your focus shifted from the joy of receiving the orange into fighting and engaging the apple. The apple then became locked in transit and could not leave like it planned, more so it has now become a real emotional enemy and an unwanted guest.
So what happens now? Most of us forget about the orange tree, no longer water it, leave it to wilt, and engage our unwanted guest and beat ourselves up about its occupancy in our life. It must be my fault, your fault, everyone fault that the apple has arrived and would not leave. Now it takes twice as much work to release the apple. The apple has become karmic.
Consider that the higher will has and always wanted you to be happy, it wants you to experience both the apple until it is ready to go (because at some point in your time frame you cultivated it) and the orange when it is ready to arrive. As the apple is packing its bags to leave and just wants to spend a moment to say thank you and goodbye, celebrate it, thank it, and surrender it to the higher will. You may have to do this over and over again (consider you can only let go of one bite at a time if you really were holding on with both hands, or worse yet you turned it into apple sauce) and go back to water your orange blossom with the joy and knowing that it is coming in to meet you very soon. The more you learn spiritual tools to effectuate releasing the apple and bringing in the orange the more you will enjoy both aspects of your transition with light and joy.
In joy,
Cynthia Warwick Seiler
Rainbow Institute
You, Your Spirit and the New Paradigm Shift
Making a Paradigm shift? Changing to match the New Earth Vibration?
Changes are on their way and learning how to vibrate and thrive with them is what spiritual growth is all about!
There are alot of old world concepts that structure our reality, or functionality that no longer serve the modern spiritual warrior, visionary and person who wants to take full responsibility for their growth and development!
One of the greatest benchmarks are divine truth to break down limits if you use this information to incorporate a shift. Divine truth or divine light when shed on a situation makes the situation much smaller in retrospect to your capability as a spirit and is always geared to allow you to thrive!
Thriving is your birthright, how ever you may have built up struggle and resistance within you and this you can learn how to melt. Taking charge of your reality is not hard. Owning the concepts you utilize in your day to day and then seeing if they serve you could be a really enlightening experience in the “getting to know you” equation that can make any change in this world meaningful.
Most concepts that say life is a struggle, growth is painful, or work is hard does not equate when you benchmark it to divine light and truth, thus breaking down these concepts do serve you, the all, the everything. Laugh with amusement when you see them pop up and ask yourself what can I do or think here that would create a more meaningful experience for me. Simply replace the old world concept with the new world concept and see how this enhances your reality. Do this enough and I envision you will experience a shift that is more enjoyable and freeing to your spirit!
Many blessings,
Cynthia Warwick
Its all in the Words
As spirit we are pure consciousness. As pure consciousness we are filled with thoughts and beliefs about concepts. Our capability is rich but has to pass through the concepts we hold. Everything is contained within our words!
If we believe a thousand and one things about a single subject, our concept is broad and could be dispersed.
If we believe one thing about a single subject, our concept is clear but could be limited.
We play with concepts and words constantly, trying on, releasing, improving, dis-approving, cultivating, limiting, expanding….it is all within the concepts we hold.
We add mental and emotional thrust to our concepts to build light and dark passions and we paint the canvas of our reality from these colors. Rich colors, muted colors, faded colors, tainted colors…we paint our world with our words!
We play in the game of building our reality based upon the words we think about ourselves, the self concepts we hold. We can pick and choose the paint and brush at anytime to paint colors that are brighter, more serene, golden, and can color our world with the scenery that validates all by choosing new concepts and words.
How fast can you change your mind? Try on new words to color your world, and choose the canvas that fits you like your best outfit, all by building new concepts from more validating and enjoyable words!
Love to laugh as you change you mind, explore and choose the concepts that are bold!
Cynthia Warwick
Cynthia Warwick is a metaphysical speaker and teacher, that also conducts private psychic readings, to learn more about her work click on the links above
Entering the Dominion of Oneness
Oneness is the place of going home, rekindling your connection with source. So much about our journey here on earth was about breaking away from source to find ourselves and our individuality, what makes us tick, unique, and different.
Individuality is important, and to learn that we are individuals and are still one is an amazing feat that is really easy when you understand that there is nothing you do that is ever outside of source. Where you feel outside of source and separated is where you have misunderstood your own self, thus it is easy to find your way home simply by clearing up your own self- misconceptions.
Radical self acceptance is the way home. Being OK with everything you think you are not and everything you think you are is your own home coming. To reunite with Great Spirit is to reunite with the love that you are. To sit in the middle of the everything and the nothing is to enter into a huge “OK-Ness” about yourself with radical self acceptance, the great emptiness of pure life force, which is the most peaceful part of coming home.
To accept yourself wholly and completely even though you think something less of yourself is to reunite with the truth in brotherhood and of your own meaning. We are not dark, nor light, we simply use the light and dark as a way to benchmark and understand there is something to strive for. When we are ok in understanding that we play in both the light and dark in a self judging way and then accept ourselves and where we are at completely for it, then we have opened the door to oneness by the dismantlement of the dividing wall with an act of self love.
Radical self acceptance is the door to the dominion of oneness…it is a very simple door. It is a very peaceful threshold.
May you find this door within you and walk through it into the nothing and everything…the peace that you are…and know that you are home.
Many blessings,
Cynthia Warwick
Cynthia Warwick is a spiritual teacher and counselor, she is available for psychic readings and classes, to learn more about her work click on the links above.
Your One True Job
As spirit having a human experience we have only one true job.
No matter who we are or where we are on our journey our job is simple, it is to know and have yourself completely.
To know your own individual uniqe nature and learn how to express it in the way that represents you as an individual is your one true job. You are the expression of GOD and no one else can express GOD the way you can.
Even though we come from oneness and there are billions of people stemming from one original source each and everyone of us is unique in color, sound, vibrational frequency, style, way, and journey. Each and every one of us has our own way of doing things and our own information on how to achieve the anything and the everything. Your one true job is to know what makes you tick, what is your way of sleeping, eating, working, playing, relating and so forth. What makes you you in all you do? How do you partake your way?
Each and every one of us in this earthly melting pot is different, decide you can have you knowing you in the everything in every way, decide you choose to work at your one true job….to know and have yourself completely!
Cynthia Warwick
Cynthia Warwick is a professional psychic and spiritual teacher that specializes in helping people learn tools for conscious living and empowerment. TO learn more about Cynthia click on the links above
Spiritual Transformation
Spiritual transformation always comes after a realization of three key components have been acknowledged.
We are always growing towards oneness and processing our growth in a triangular format. Our growth it is not always specifically about who you are in this lifetime as much as it about the entire journey of your spirit and the roles you have played out through many incarnations.
When we grow we are looking at achieving insight in regards to subject matter in order to retire it and as spirit we choose many different roles to incarnate through in regards to the subject so that we can realize the full spectrum of its dichotomy. Some of the past incarnations have not completed the lessons and you as spirit opt to work them this lifetime in order to complete an unfinished cycle, we call this karma. However karma does not have to be fully completed in order to transform and achieve growth, in other words you do not have to act out an old role in order to complete a cycle but you do have to acknowledge the three key potentials of the triangle in order to create the transformation and release the cycle.
In the triangular format of completing karma and achieving transformation it always comes back to your viewpoint of self, this is at the top of the triangle. The two lower corners are about how others viewed, reflected upon or treated you in regards to the subject, and how you viewed reflected upon and or treated others in regards to the subject. While this sounds complex it is not, here is an example of a karmic cycle about to complete itself:
Lets pick the subject matter of judgment:
At the top of the triangle is self-judgment, where you have or hold the judgment of self, and self concepts that are judgmental
At the bottom left is how others show you this concept over and over again by judging you
At the bottom right is where you show yourself this concept over and over again by judging others
One will continue traveling through the cycle of the triangle until the three aspects of judgment have been realized so that they can be forgiven and released. Once all three are released you are able to retire the karma and reconvene in the state of oneness as the growth and transformation has been achieved. Why it becomes a lengthy process is sometimes we have a hard time admitting or looking at our own self concepts, however it is the most important realization in the completion of the cycle therefore it has rewards and merits that are insurmountable in your growth as spirit.
If you find a cycle is repeating itself try asking what is the concept that I hold about me here and what is this experience trying to show me. If you are open to it you are also able to complete the karma in a way that is rewards to you, as you are the keystone of your journey, light and life
Cynthia Warwick
Cynthia Warwick is a meditation teacher, spiritual counselor and clairvoyant. For readings and class schedules or to contact Cynthia click on the links above