Passing of Loved Ones, Love and Transition
For those of you who have had loved ones who have passed, this article may bring forth gifts. To understand the transitional journey back to soul is a wonderful undertaking to all parties.
When a spirit leaves a body and lifetime it can go through several processes before it returns to gold, or the light. One can maintain a relationship with the spirit of a loved one and still maintain present time community if they know how too shift awareness to the new state the loved has transitioned to.
In one life time we create a story and persona that is rich in growth, trials, and experiences. When a person has crossed over they either let go completely and blend back into the peace and joy of their master soul, or they have difficulty in detaching from the story they once became in life and still hold onto the lessons and agreements rather than complete the transition.
With those who have lost a loved one, they never really died in the way we perceive, they simply left a body, story, and identity that they created within a moment of their larger souls journey. If you are to remember that we are soul first and this is our eternal self then you can always maintain your love, relation, and connection with this soul as it exists on a higher vibrational plane than the one you are looking at that was the former life. This helps both you and the loved one embrace present time. Saying hello to a loved one as their soul is always a healing for both parties as you validate their ability to liberate themselves from the conditions and struggles into freedom and this is right.
We are not meant to hang on to the strife of a lifetime and sometimes those that transition stay there because they love you and you yourself is stuck in the memory of who you have lost. To understand that you did not loose and you can still gain if you raise your sights to the vibrational plane of where they now stand is to understand the peace, joy, and sanctuary that they have now reached. Quite often I tell my clients who have asked about lost loved ones to send them jokes and see if you get one in return. Raising your vibration in order to have a new level of relationship is the embankment of you gifting yourself the experience to know we are all of God and in that there is only journey….no finite end. To understand the full vibration of what is soul is your gift to yourself and your loved one. There your relationship holds new value and meaning of the blessing and light of what truly is of God.
In Joy,
Rev. Cynthia Warwick Seiler
What is “Being Psychic” ?
Is psychic real? Is it supernatural? What is it?
“Psychic” is a natural part of your own ability to perceive, know, sense, read, hear, feel, smell, as well as communicate with another, spirit to spirit.
We are human born of our physical parents for one lifetime. We are spirit born of our metaphysical parents for eternity. The birth and existence of our soul has capability beyond our current understanding. To be born human does not mean you have to give up your existential identity, of essence, persona, capability and gifts if you choose to live your life this way. Living your life this way is natural, permissible, and rich in joyful self loving tools. To live a human life rich and full of the integrity of your soul has sacrifice. You have to be willing to give up where you play small, and sit in the field of limiting agreements that are not in alignment with your souls truth. Learning tools and skills to manage how you run your energy, balance and awaken your spiritual geometry, is a wonderful process of self discovery with many rewards. Being “Psychic” or “Spiritually Aware” is one of them. Using your awareness to enhance your life is what connecting to your higher purpose and unfolding its pathway is all about. Each person is creatively unique and has their own special gift to expand upon which is enhanced living. Developing your intuition is about you being mindful and aware of your own energy, and how you use and apply it, to all that you do.
What about Psychic Powers you may ask? You are powerful. You are capable. You are creating all the time, however you may not know it. Today’s experience was yesterdays creation, you already carved it. Tomorrows dynamics change and rearrange with each new vibration that you validate and bring in. Living in the now, the perpetual unwinding of time is about learning how to synergize with your soul. You always have the opportunity to practice being commander of your ship, the life you lead is your ship. Learning how to create with love, light, essence, balance, harmony is hard to do when you have your life on autopilot and allow yourself to be unconscious to the dynamics you work, play, and cultivate with. Psychic is always of the Soul.
What about the myriad of philosophies out there that tell me how to behave, think, and act? There are only 2 kinds of energy: Yours, and not yours. Our world is filled with concepts. Within each concept you hold exists your own unique expression, essence and dynamic, the rest does not serve. Most concepts that encompass lack and limitation do not serve the self love of the soul. Learning how to identify, measure, and quantify and your unique truth against external concepts is a gift to yourself. Learning how to release concepts that do not support you, your energy, rather than fighting them is what being spiritually mindful is all about.
Mindfulness is the act of self awareness employed to benefit right action of mind, body, spirit and is very much about being psychic or spiritually aware. Self awareness of you in the world around you assists you to manifest from the self love that you are, and in this you are in alignment with your soul.
What about the accusations of Psychic being Occult? Denser dynamics are always out there in the world and usually are absent of self love. Being unaware or unconscious to them does not make them less or go away. Everything is a choice that someone, somewhere had made. Duality says one is good and one is bad. In truth duality and dichotomy thinking is a complexity that does not exist when you connect with your soul. Learning yourself how to make choices stemming from conscious awareness in alignment with your soul is about learning how to step outside of dichotomy thinking.
What about the Supernatural? A Course in Miracles says fear is a mistake. Learning how to release fear and body mechanics that are of density serves the soul and are tools RI covers in class. The truth and existence of divine law is accessible to all beings. One very important one is about seniority: There are many variations of it but generally it states “No one is more powerful than you in your own space” generally it is you who is convinced to serve or not serve you by your beliefs. Claiming something is natural or supernatural has no bearing to you in your own truth, running your own energy, living your own life, unless you yourself allows it to have an impact.
Most of these concepts and tools are covered in RI’s classes and in RI’s Conscious Living Curriculum. The foundation of Rainbow Institutes spiritual awareness philosophy is about teaching you how to use your awareness and energy to foster harmony in relationship to all things… while simultaneously serving yourself with concepts that validate your unique being, light, dynamics, and path. If you would like to expand upon your spiritual awareness and learn holistic energy tools for conscious living, pre-register for each class of interest and RI will notify you of the next available class dates.
In Joy,
Cynthia Warwick Seiler
Rainbow Institute