The Will of God
The will of God is that you love yourself as God does, unconditionally.
Often times we withhold our self acceptance in anticipation of our perfection and this is not achievable as it is an image that is not real and typically not finite. Who we are today, right here, right now, is the way we are loved by God, love is not nor has ever been withheld. Usually we turn our backs to this love because we do not feel our perfection and for some strange reason think we are unworthy of the approval because we lack this key self approval intimately.
More over we resist acceptance of ourselves and then think, I’ll prove it now, I’ll go out and save the world, then I will be worthy of the love of God. God does not see this world as a world that needs saving. God loves you in your world unconditionally, and does not equate you as different from your neighbor. To love yourself as God loves you is to take your compassion up to a new height and know unconditional love. Total acceptance of the entire world is total acceptance of you in your world, the mini me that makes up the whole.
Opening up to the will of God is the act of self love first.
Taking your self love up in vibration to meet the compassion of “unconditional love” gifting yourself radical self acceptance in the here and now, is the way you meet and understand the only will of God. Then you will understand that you have always and will always be your perfection in the wake of every moment and can love others as much as you love yourself. “Self love” is a form of “divine love” or the most important doorway back to source. Upon entering this doorway you will know that you are one with all things including source, and that is not a world that needs saving.
But then we say “what about suffering?” Is it not the seed of suffering to stray from the only thing that created you? You were created by the will of God, to know unconditional love is to heal yourself with divine love, the only doorway you were meant to know. You can create anything you want, when you do it immersed in the love source has given you how can your creation be anything other than life giving and rich? To know you are worthy in the moment with radical self acceptance wouldn’t your creations take on new color and new life expression? Do you think you would include the vibration of suffering in them? In the wake of every moment you and each one of us is new should we choose to be and can end the feelings of suffering with a self loving act of acceptance. It can not be found in you healing another if you do not work to heal yourself first in order for you to feel the will of God inside the seeds of your cells. Saving the world is an act of denying yours. Work with the creator in perfecting your creation, and return to the simple act of loving yourself and you will have given your world and ours a huge leap towards oneness.
In Blessings, Love and Joy,
Rev. Cynthia Warwick Seiler
Rainbow Institute/A Course in Miracles