Trust in You
Trust is a huge word! Trusting in your spirit can desensitize the issue.
When we are humans having a human experience, not knowing our spirit is our guiding force, trust is a huge thing that is hard to grasp. Once we begin to know our truth is actually the other way around, that we are spirit having a human experience trust becomes simple as we allow ourselves to experience this truth over and over again.
As spirit we have knowledge, experience, and capability that we can readily tap into that we accumulated throughout the course of our souls journey. We have our individuated truth that aligns and allows us our growth in a way that is for our highest good.
With being spirit in body having a life experience we know and can tap into the universal life force to draw upon information and guidance that assists us in all matters as a resource. Spirit ensures our path has all it needs and all that is needed will come in its right time and space, and that our body does not need to fear. Self reliance is easier when we know of our own unique capability to accomplish that which is our truth even if it seems challenging or new.
Trust is an important word, when you know something you are working on is right, and feels right, let your spirit guide you, and trust that the path that opens up is what you need to experience even if there are a few bumps to work out here and there, the end result when you look back will always be that it works beyond what you thought it would be.
Say hello to your spirit, and let it lead the way, you will have new experiences that encourage trust is not an issue