“I serve myself with Light, to irradiate the elements in my life that are not in my best interest”
Weekly Affirmation Enneagram “I serve myself with Light, to irradiate the elements in my life that are not in my best interest”
When light enters into the body, mind, experience it dismantles all things that are not working for the higher good of all. Light on a dynamic level equates with the heart and brings forth divine correction, a re-balancing, all one has to do is set the intention to let it in. The light does all the work if you allow yourself to receive its blessing. An affirmation “I allow myself to let the light in” is the same as asking for divine correction, a balancing and restoration of dynamics and energy patterns that do not serve the light and the all. This is the first step in the process of walking into the fifth dimension and learning how to live in the light. With light all is served.
Rev. Cynthia Warwick Seiler
Weekly Affirmation Enneagram