
19 Church Street #8 Burlington, Vermont

April 16, 2010

What is Happening in Human Evolution?

This is an amazing time to witness, and be here on the Earth now! We are collectively going through a shift that is like no other before in our recorded history. Man-kind is changing from soup to nuts in every way, shape, and form and no one is exempt from this change. It is of Atlantic proportion.

Lets see if I can put words to this change:

Humanity has finished and completed a third dimensional cycle that we could say was very masculine driven (not masculine as man, but masculine as yang…doing and over doing, building and over building, ruling and over ruling). This was the cycle that built our third dimensional reality. It began from the time of the fall of the Atlantis. Atlantis as a vibration was a lighter more Renaissance period of consciousness for human kind. Upon its destruction or its evolution humanity dropped levels into density, a slower, thicker, vibrational reality into what we call the third dimension. This cycle is what is now ending as it is complete.

How humanity and the Earth is to evolve has always been undecided and could have included mass destruction just like we vaguely and very unconsciously remember about the lost Atlantis period. When September 11th happened it called this choice to the attention of everyone. We could have destroyed ourselves physically in order to take the next step, the choice was always left to us humans. What September 11th served was a spiritual awakening, as it asked each person consciously to choose for themselves how they want to live and continue to be, it asked each one of us “What do you want to see for this Earth, choose and choose now because time is running out!” Something happened for the first time the vast majority of us remembered we are sisters and brothers and we chose to continue humanity and what we perceive as life on Earth, we choose life!

53% of us a wonderful 53% said I want to evolve, I want to witness my evolution and I want to do it with 2 feet on the Earth! Some of the destructive prophesies began to erode and are still eroding, because of you and me! Now the consensus is at 60% as more and more are awakening spiritually and are willing to make the shift into the New Earth by being here now.

What this means is finding a new way of being, a new way of evolving and aligning with what has already shifted to bring in higher vibrations of well being and learning how to use them, learning how to re pattern how we think, act and react, and changing the tools we use for our growth and development. It means seeking out new teachers that understand and have these new tool to teach that have already made this shift within themselves and working with the one that rings true for you. There has always been 144,000 chosen teachers for this time period that have worked on shifting first so they can be ready to teach others, that has never changed, however, you are your greatest answer and teacher. It IS and has ALWAYS been about you. Another teacher can not teach you more than you yourself can as you are always at the center point of the brother hood of man. If you look at the flower of life and place yourself within one point on the drawing you will know how much you yourself can effect change in the world..so it is always upon you… Love and remember who you are, as you already are a great being of light (this has been predicted, smile). An essential part of this shift is to remember your love for you and let that grow from within, then the rest will fall into place like a great awakening. Remember self love it is your primary tool to walk into the New Earth and no teacher can teach it to you the way you yourself can!

Many blessings in joy, light and remembering!

Cynthia Warwick
