Where Spiritual Death Comes From
Spiritual death is very different from physical body death. Our physical body form has its time on the planet and a defined time to go, when it is time for a body to go the Soul knows. Spiritual death is something we experience when we grow.
One of the greatest examples of a spiritual death lies in the story of the Phoenix. The Phoenix rises and falls in a continual cycle of death and rebirth fluidly. It is reborn from its ashes in a perpetual cycle of life and death beautifully. The phoenix finds this natural and natural is beautiful.
As spirits having a human experience our death is not always so fluid. This is because we hold on with our lower will, or our ego will, or the mental body itself. We try to control outcomes and get in our own way of being fluid and free. We do not realize that our concepts are pictures and do not make our world truthfully. Spiritual Death is painful when we hold on. When we let go we do not even experience it as much. If we were purely trusting of our spiritual path we do not hold on at all and allow the rebirth to be natural just as the phoenix does.
We are continually being called to let go of concepts we hold, this is called spiritual growth. Allowing the growth of our Soul into our life experience is a fluid act of letting go at each turn as one moves forward, continually being in the present moment there is no holding on to concepts, they are all a byproduct of our past. You allow this as an act of love. Your Soul knows how to do this, this is the higher will in you. Your ego or mind can be trained to be fluid. Remember the Phoenix and the grace its message teaches you. Letting yourself let go of the limits, concepts, beliefs you hold is always a rebirth as a new level of being is waiting to rise out of the ashes as soon as you are.
In Joy
Cynthia Wariwck Seiler