
19 Church Street #8 Burlington, Vermont

March 11, 2011

Why does Ho’oponopono work?

Ho’oponopono is an Ancient Hawaiian self cleansing prayer and blessing. It is repeated over and over again until there is re leaf and release. It can be recited for a person, place, thing, situation involving self or others. It can be recited for emotions, thoughts, and any situation creatively. Ho’oponopono is simple, freeing, and liberating. It is easy to remember and is widely used among practiced healers in all professions throughout the world.

So what in Ho’oponopono makes it effective?
I believe this simple prayer offers the total self a healing solution
The emotional body is able to to release its discourse an is acknowledged as having feelings.
The mental body understands forgiveness and being forgiven, it does not have to go anyfurther.
The physical body is comforted by repetition and is able to relax.
The spiritual body can surrender its conflict and sees forgiveness and love as closure.
Ho’oponopono offers love and expects forgiveness to the mind, body, and spirit and works with intention. It uses the tools of spirit which is purifying. It is brilliant in its simplicity and powerful in its effects. When faced with conflict of any kind try reciting Ho’oponopono until you feel release. Use it in personal meditation or when there is a need to surrender. And use it for others.

I Love You
I Am Sorry
Please Forgive Me
Thank You

Rainbow Institute
